Eagle Nation, Down


Through prophetic dreams that I was given in 2008 and 2012 the Lord revealed to me that Obama would win both elections, and they outlined certain events that would occur in the proceeding four years. I saw there would be a Clinton in Obama’s administration, and  that the gay agenda would be pushed from a juvenile stage into the “coming of age” stage, where homosexuality would enter into its “reproductive years”.  I’ve recorded most of those dreams on my blog at NWP. They were picked up and posted by other websites. One last event, yet to occur, in the president’s second term would happen after Obama’s encounters with Cuba. I record it in an article called STRANGE BIRD II. The mention of Cuba is explained in the article “ENTER CUBA”. In that dream the Eagle Nation would transform into the OBAMA Nation, and Syria was going to bleed out like fiery water colors all over the map of the Middle East, which is an event that continues to happen even now.

The Prophetic Dream Strange Bird II

Towards the end of  Strange Bird II, Obama had some kind of interaction with Cuba, and then right after that (in the last leg of his presidency) he trots over to the middle of the Middle East. I then saw Obama standing on the downward slope of a hill towards the bottom, the hill itself seemed to represent a time line that depicted his 2nd term. Obama stood there silhouetted against the fire storm that was blown out from Syria. Suddenly, I looked again and the Obama figure was lying flat on his back. He was not moving, and I could not understand why he was not getting up. No one went out to help him. President Obama, was now flat on his back, and not moving in what looked like East of Medina. But certainly, he was in the middle of the Middle East. This could represent the following-

  1. Obama has no more power or influence to negotiate, at this point in his presidency.
  2. The eagle nation’s foreign policy is dead in the water. No one assists.
  3. A Catastrophic military failure. With no immediate assistance. God forbid.
  4. The president, himself, suffers a serious security breach. Delayed assistance. God forbid.
  5. A military effort that fails, and alies don’t help.
  6. An economic collapse, Obama Nation Down.

During his time with Cuba, he was wearing military clothes like Castro and Gahdaffi in their early years. When he ran into the middle of the Middle East in the last months of his presidency the Obama figure was wearing a green hat like Gahdaffi’s red barrette, and green clothes like Castro’s military clothes. Because President Obama literally went to Cuba, and now is heading to Saudia Arabia, April 21, 2016 it may be a literal translation of the dream. I am very concerned about this part of the dream, because it felt like that was what the whole thing was culminating into.

Having had prophetic dreams before, that depicted a series of events that came to pass, systematically, as if  to  posture intercessors for the one event it ended with. My prayer is this article will prompt intercessors to continue to pray for America, and right now this is critical.

Once, the Lord gave me a warning of a series of events that took place where the last thing to occur would have been devestating. The dream started out with flooding water, followed by a fire, and a small child briefly lost. The last event in the dream was a relative’s fall from a ladder onto a concrete driveway, that caused a brain injury or death. These things began to happen in rapid succession, before I woke up to the fact that the last event in the dream was the only thing left yet to occur.

I began to pray and intercede over this ladder accident. The  following weekend we were sitting in the yard of that same relative, when he came around to the front of the house, on the concrete drive way with a ladder, to my amazement! He began to set it up on the roof to clean the chimney. The same relative that fell off a ladder and suffered a head injury, in my dream. Immediately, I ran up and asked if he could move the ladder to the grass area. I then held the ladder as he came up and down from the roof. On the third run from the top his foot slipped through, but, I was holding the ladder. This was 30 years ago. Dreams depicting tragedy are not for prophets to foretell the future, they are to be prayed over, and to be submitted as warnings, to do what we can to avoid them.

Job 33:14-17  For God speaks once, yes twice, yet man perceives it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction that he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from him. He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.

The Last Leg Of Obama’s Presidency

At first, early in his second term I thought all this depicted America suffering an economic crash in 2015, while being involved with the ISIS Syria conflict. However, if I had studied the time line I was given it actually was pointing to the hour we are living in now. My prayer is that what I saw is not depicting the Obama Nation in the form of troops. I do not believe God shows us these things to be a notch in some prophet’s belt of predictions. But, as the Lord revealed to Abraham what he was about to do with Sodom and Gomorrah, provoking him to intercession, so I pray what I’m sharing is provocative to intercessors, to continue to ramp up in prayer.

I believe the people of God have delayed, and intercepted many sorrows by the Spirit of God, through intercessions. That the enemy is being exposed, in our land, and many are being awakened to the level of deception that is in our government, and in our media. Causing more and more people riding the fence, to see the contrasting lines between light and darkness. Jesus Christ is returning as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But will He find faith when He comes?  The Church can change the tide. Let us be praying about all our dealings in the Middle East, our lives and national security depends on it.

The Prophetic Marker, Cuba

The difficulty in handling, properly, a revelatory word that reveals certain things to watch and pray for in the future- Is that by nature they are not in their “time” when first published or publicly made known. Life goes on and all is forgotten. They have their season, and ultimate purpose, while moving toward the one thing the prophetic warning was pointing to all along. That purpose is to promote prayer and call upon the Church to be in a state of readiness, and the season for readiness is BEFORE THOSE THINGS COME TO PASS. Because it is not God’s will that any man perish but that all come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know our prayers can change the outcome of a would be tragedy. In Abraham’s case a whole family was delivered from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities were interceded for. God can move us out of harms way or intervene on a greater scale, like he did for Nineveh of Jonah’s time. Perhaps the escalating war in the Middle East being scaled down is that kind of reprieve. A word published in January of 2013 describes a dealing Obama has with Cuba, which stands as a prophetic marker in the news today. Until President Obama’s term is over, however, I’ll not stop warning of an occurrence played out after his visit that appeared to be described in Strange Bird II.

Any way, one might have to endure a tiredness, so to speak, of a warning re-emerging several times, as the prophetic markers in it begin to surface. We posted a dream released to us on October 17, 2012, on the eve of the elections that revealed President Obama would win a second term.

It laid out several events that would  take place in the Middle East that seemed to reflect the track of our foreign policy to date.image

A popular website picked it up and several thousand visited our site. Much of what occurred in the dream has come to pass. I saw the embassy tragedy in Libya did not just go away, and there was an unbroken time line that began with that event that stretched from there to Afghanistan, while the trouble in Syria bled across the map in a fiery tempest, like water colors on a wet canvas. Spreading into all its border countries. THE WAY IT has been DOING the past 24 months.

Today, another prophetic marker embedded in that dream briefly mentioning Cuba appears in the headlines as the President visits there. In this prophetic dream of October 2012 the Obama figure (wearing a military uniform and beret) begins to move out towards the center of the Middle East, sometime after Cuba. What happens after that is very troubling. I see the Obama figure lying flat on his back, he’s not moving. And no one approaches him to help. Is this the culmination of our foreign policy as it now lies in the Middle East, right now? I pray that it is not some kind of catastrophic military failure that could occur after Obama’s visit in Cuba. I’m asking for special prayers over our foreign policy during this time, the president, and our troops.

I believe in the power of intercessory prayer, and NOW is not too late, if you haven’t already, please intercede for our military, America, and Israel, and children all over the world, caught up in the crossfires of war.  I saw the dream depicting the Obama Nation flat on its back, it appeared to be in the time frame of the last half of his second term. East of Medina or at least in the Middle of the Middle East. Keep praying, believing, repenting on behalf of America. I hope one day someone, maybe President Obama can take back his declaration that America is not a Christian country. But then he may have been right. We have lost are way forgetting God is our ultimate covering and keeper.

The Eagle Had Lost Its Feathers

What, also, covers us as Americans is our constitution. It keeps us from the raw elements of the world that would encroach upon our rights and freedoms. So far it has served us well, for the most part, providing protection for all those that seek to find shelter in the shadow of the Eagles great wings. We all know our rights and freedoms are under assault, and the president’s many executive orders have found a way to legally by-pass the processes of the senate and congress. You will notice in the dream I saw the American Bald Eagle land next to Obama upon the root of a tree that was laid bare on an embankment. Perched next to him I saw the eagle begin to transform before my eyes into the shape and image of President Obama. In so much that only a few feathers were left upon him. Like a molten bird.

Strange Bird

Trees often represent legacies, heritages, and lineages. That is why we refer to our family trees. I believe the root of the tree, which was reduced to a stump, represents loop holes in the executive office where the eagle found a root to stand on. Something, our founding Fathers put there, that they never dreamed would be used in the way it has. A place from where the president has launched from, as he did in the dream, to fulfil his agendas in his second term. The Eagle Nation transformed into the Obama Nation we are now, its foreign policy landing in the Middle East. The problem is the American Bald Eagle is no longer covered in its feathers that bead off the rain, and that carry it above the storms. It is now fully dressed in the strength and form of man. Whose platform in actions and words have denounced this nation as Christian, a nation which blessings come from the one true God, now approaching the eye of the storm.  You can catch up with Strange Bird II unfolding at the prophetic mention of Cuba, more than two years before Americans imagined relations between the two countries would ever be where they are now.

The mention of Cuba, a prophetic marker

Strange Bird II