
Pretty Coats and Burial cloths

A Prophetic Word

I have them that are like my son Joseph, whom I have brought through grievous trials. I’ve brought them  from the depths of prison, both literal, and spiritual. Regardless the failure, or in Joseph’s case the false accusations- In your scars still looms the past, that I want to heal forever by reminding you that I have put my signet ring upon your finger, that you may not forget, in all your leading, (in the pointing of the good way) who it is that is YOUR father. I’ve draped you with my robe of righteousness, not only is this garment (a robe for covering), but it is a mantle where by I have called you to walk in. It is that thing that you should not put off, but you shall wear it always. It covers all things you lack in, from head to toe! Let it give you MY peace.

Receive for your mind my peace not torment, my love not fear, go out now from this place where I have met you, with these things to always remind you who you are, your inheritance is in me, your heritage also. For the pretty coat worn by the boy caused him many trials, as it did Joseph of old, it is gone now ripped and dispersed. It was meant to be your burial cloth, as was Joseph’s coat of many colors, rather it was preserved to testify, the one who wore it is dead. The old man is dead. Mourn no more over former glories, I drew the line my son, it was ME.

My coat is not made of man made materials, nor is it the glory of men. You have been renewed, now, and though the seven more wicked than the others have haunted you, you have filled yourself with me. They have found no place. We are here together now. This battle is won in me. My son we have conversed much at the gate of your inheritance, we have spent many days in your days of renewal. Come now and see all that I have in reserve for you. Your allotments in me. WEAR my Kingdom like a garment, never put it off. Of a certain it is RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, AND JOY in the HOLY GHOST.

You stand on the sidewalks of salvation, before you tower the great columns of the porticos’ of peace, the entry way of our fellowship, the place of our communion. Let us sit beyond these doors and rest with in these walls, when you rest with me you are in the highest form of alertness. Am I not the captain of the Host of heaven? I know how to rest, laugh, sing, and war. When David rested from wars he fell into sin. I know how to balance all of the above in a perfect harmony of watchfulness and wakefulness.

In this place, you will see as I see, and be able to properly discern the day, and all its watches. You have longed for the days of renewal, and sought to set its order, but the order that you have seen in days gone by, will not be in the days to come. Not only has the furniture been moved around, but the address isn’t the same. You never exit the gate you came in from. For the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former. Remember, my son- the Tabernacle of God is with men. The fire by night and cloud by day that leads a mobile assembly, in the Spirit, will have no walls.

Let not man’s perimeters, that quench my Spirit be your walls, even your limitations. Live with in the walls of my kingdom, and your work will not be limited. The questions of “how” will dissolve when the proper platforms are raised. Here in, you will fulfill the calling where by I have called you with, says The Lord. Monuments made of walls, with stones erected by men, who cut them out with their own hands are not where I have called you, nor is it where one should spend ones life in the pouring in of their goods or time. But, it truly is the mountain of the Lord, made not by human hands where I’ve called my people to stream to.

Isaiah 2 New King James Version (NKJV)

Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.” For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, And rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.

Though many houses and many high walled places may call to you, and you shall stand with in them and preach my word, know your heart rests in Zion. Your spirit rests with in my house whose Chief Corner Stone the builders rejected, is it of no wonder you have been rejected, also, oh Living Stone? Where I am not, know you are out of place, also. They want the beauty of your colors, to crown their works, but not the order that supplies your proper settings. My jealousy for you, my son, has closed many doors, and been the cause of much rejection, let your wounded soul be healed knowing, I have not rejected you but I have chosen you. Living Stone you are set already, in a house made with out hands.

I have fashioned and formed you myself to fit where I have placed you, you are not displaced, but set among those that are mine, through the eyes of the Spirit, you will begin to understand true order. True placement, and finishing processes that perfect those placements, set by my Spirit, says the Lord. Then not only will you comprehend yourself as a living stone among many that makes my house, but you shall, also, be able to identify, and confirm my preparations in others releasing them in to my divine order, this is the true apostolic work of my kingdom of which you are being called.

The patience you will need to wait in- is for the embedded Stones captive in religious settings, even used to crown the works of men, to be dislodged from their satanic strongholds, in order that your ministry will locate and properly line them up for the order of my house, says God. Wait upon me, for this I am perfecting you. ( I see the Father holding smooth stones in His hand as if to clear them from the dust of where He brought them out of) these are those the Father is preparing to be entrusted to one who has been acquainted with their infirmity. (I hear in my spirit that the cutting of stones is a delicate operation, and this is, also, the Father’s work- extracting diamonds from the rough, new converts with clean slates, not marred by religious settings.)

These are those entrusted in the hands of those of whom I’ve anointed to equip them, you shall see them through my eyes, and in my ability that I’ve given you. You shall prepare them for their proper settings, in my house made not with hands of men, but this will be done by my Spirit, through you, for it surly is not by might nor by power, that my lively stones are placed in their settings in my kingdom, says the Lord. Note: In Christ there is no male no female Greek or Jew. But, I kept hearing the Lord Say, “I will be a Father to those Son’s like Joseph, (they have no Father but God, because of injustice in the earth.) This is to say for a lack of spiritual Father’s, as well. I also, saw that the Father wept over the orphans of the earth, and the widows. Hebrews 12.

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4 thoughts on “Pretty Coats and Burial Cloths

  1. This is why our beloved and devoted to the written Word Protestant brothers and sisters are hearing about the Eucharist in their daily messages from Heaven. The term “Eucharist” is not used because of disbelief now but God says it, reveals. God is so gently helping you all, preparing you to accept the Faith, Roman Catholicism of which the source and summit is Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist.

    Look…absolutely no “walls” of division, truly, that they all may be one, Our Lord’s prayer, very soon will take place by the light of the Holy Spirit.

    “In this place, you will see as I see, and be able to properly discern the day, and all its watches. You have longed for the days of renewal, and sought to set its order, but the order that you have seen in days gone by, will not be in the days to come. Not only has the furniture been moved around, but the address isn’t the same. You never exit the gate you came in from. For the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former. Remember, my son- the Tabernacle of God is with men. The fire by night and cloud by day that leads a mobile assembly, in the Spirit, will have no walls.”

    The unity of belief among Christians and non-Christians who convert and prophesied for so long is going to happen. The “address isn’t the same”, Jesus is calling you to come to Him. Our Lord, our God is humbly reserved in the “Tabernacle,” all this time of the New Covenant, in every Catholic church worldwide. He wants you to accept His presence in the Eucharist, to become Catholic.

    Say YES, when God asks you personally on “that great day” of Revelation 6:17 during God’s “awakening”, the second Pentecost, worldwide this time or in the short time to follow during the Great Harvest. God’s great love and mercy.

    Believe prophecy, Catholic Christian and non-Catholic Christian prophecy lines up
    for there is one end time and the glorious new time coming, the Millennial reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ. His middle coming, it is prophesied, He will reign in all hearts.

    Peace and God bless you all,



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