Sub title
In Living Color
When God speaks through dreams and visions

101106_133155God speaks in living color through visions, dreams, and natural parallels, found in everyday life. He that has an ear let him hear! Can we allow the Lord to teach us, His word, in living color?” “In the last days” God said, ” I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters will prophecy … old men will dream dreams and young men will have visions … and there will be signs in the heavens and the earth …” (from the book of Joel and the 2nd Chapter of Acts in the New Testament). There has never been a time so complex in history, then now, where we need all the help we can get to navigate through today’s world.

The word of God is far more sufficient to do that than any other source. A dream, or vision, that comes from the Holy Spirit, will always line up with God’s Word. The bible is a handbook for believers to refer to, that we may either substantiate, or dismiss, whimsical flutterings, or impressions, that come to us.

To often we shut ourselves off from the still small voice of God for fear that these fluid (less tangible) experiences may be exploited by the enemy and deceive us. When all we need to do is take them to the Lord and lay them out before the light of His Word … all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness 2 Timothy 3:16 ( New International Version).

Preparation for the prophetic is to study, in intimate detail, the genuine, unadulterated, Word of Truth. And WHO is that? In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God! By Him and through Him were all things made that were made, and there was nothing made that was not made through HIM. John 1:1. To know the Word is to know Christ for HIS sheep know HIS voice and a stranger they will not follow. Once you have that as a foundation for your HEARING EARS you have nothing to fear. Any thing contrary to God’s word spoken to you will be immediately checked by the Spirit of truth that was give to us, to lead us and guide us in to all truth.

This is so that we will be able to expose counterfeits, not fear them. Along with that we are to study to show ourselves approved, to be ready workmen that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. … If you are still growing, and learning to hear, you should already be in a family of believers who can help you. A dream from the Lord should never be discarded, take it to HIM, or an elder but never just ignore it.

To continue see: God Speaks Through Dreams II in the menu bar above.

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2 thoughts on “God Speaks Through Dreams

  1. dream and vision are in deed or in fact from GOD, the Christians have made GOD into a powerless GOD. what is wrong with yall? take the dreams very serous. study them and they will teach you well…


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