Revival Requires Prayer, Prayer Requires Intent

A couple years after I received Christ, the Lord set me in a house church that was in active revival in a small farm community where I had gone to high school. We saw salvations, healings, miracles, and deliverances. We saw people get cavities filled miraculously with gold and silver colored metals. Forty-five years later, I have a silver filling from that day God supernaturally filled cavities among our fellowship. We saw a man they described as crippled from birth have his deformed legs straightened before our eyes. Asthma healed, tumors dissolve, and cancers healed. We met from house to house assembling for prayer, teaching, and ministry. I didn’t grow up around Christian’s and had no idea what church was supposed to look like. I thought I was witnessing the way church was done. Sadly, I would learn later, that this was a movement of God, and it was an exception not the rule.

The couple called to an apostolic work in that region were joined with prophets and teachers to establish Spirit filled gatherings in an area dominated by Mormonism.  I was very blessed to be a part of this at the time and was able to watch and observe Ephesians 4 in full display for four years with the church abundant in its giftings impacting the greater region. Our prayer meeting would last for hours, preachers would come from other small towns to join us in our meetings, to get revived and refilled. I was there as a new convert in 1980, and I saw what it looked like to have a house full of believers along with the 5-fold ministry mentioned in Ephesians 4, lying flat on their back under the power of the Holy Spirt, in the middle of Holy Ghost revival. I saw the strange and unique phenomena of a corporate song in tongues in all its harmonious glory, shift into a corporate interpretation, of the like I’ve yet to see again.

There I was a young person watching it all, thinking this was what church was like all the time. What I didn’t realize at the time was that I had been planted in a school of demonstration, where God confirms His word with signs and wonders following.  Learning the keys to God’s power was prayer ministry, and intercessory prayer towards the meetings, that carved out a place for the prophetic to flow, and the body of Christ to function as one stewarding the outpouring of God. As life moved on from that amazing experience into times a little more mundane I would still see God move in a lot of ways, in miracles, healings, and deliverances, in various places, and institutions; but I would never see anything like that again that took place in that small town influencing the spiritual atmosphere in the area in such a big way. Where a whole congregation is impacted by a visitation of the Holy Spirit, moving in that kind of power as one. Unfortunately, the way worship has moved away from congregational participation in contemporary churches, it would be impossible for a congregation wide move of God to that degree, now.

On Sunday mornings we loaded up in our cars and attended an  independent Pentecostal church pastored by a retired tent revivalist of the dust bowl era, down the road 40 minutes into a remote farming community. We piled out of our cars and the Jesus movement era, collided with the saw dust trail. I will never forget those days as long as I live!

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Revival requires prayer, prayer requires intent! 
Deana shares keys to prophetic prayer revival, that can lead to the greater glory of God manifesting among us.

When We Assemble

Our prayer and posture joining meetings, and assembling with others makes a difference!

Understanding the importance of our responsibility in preparation for assembling ourselves together, helps us blend into the landscape of all God wants to do in our gatherings, where ever He leads us to go. 

Ephesians 6: 22-23 With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints …

How we as individuals approach the ecclesia in her gatherings.

Psalm 100:3-5

Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!
SERVE the Lord with gladness;
COME before His presence with singing.
KNOW that the Lord, He
is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

ENTER  into His GATES with thanksgiving,

And into His COURTS with praise.
and bless His name,

the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and

His truth endures to all generations.

Being prayerful of how we “enter in”  conditions are heart to properly give and receive all that God has for us, when we come together being mindful that Jesus is the head of the church. If we really believe that He is in our midst when we come together, we will reverence our place and others. Seeking Him first  clears out clutter and aligns us with the Holy Spirit. ‘Seek Him first and all these things will be added unto you.

Below is an outline of prayer, that carves out room for the body of Christ to be functional in any given meeting, for themselves and others.

 Pray for those that administrate the meeting to have the mind of Christ.  Rebuke the enemy’s plans against them. Pray they will hear the Father’s voice and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. Take authority over hindering, resisting, and redirecting, spirits seeking to hinder, resist, and redirect, the purposes of God in the gathering.  Pray for all those who are endeavoring or desiring to attend the meeting or assembly, that they will have the where-with-all to obey the Father in all things, and hear His voice. That they not be hindered or redirected, and all that the Father wants them to learn and do will be accomplished.   

Prayer over yourself.

To have the mind of Christ, in all things to see and hear His voice and to be obedient. Pray for boldness to step out in faith, as He leads you in new ways. Rebuke lying, resisting, and hindering spirits away from you as you prepare to join the meeting. Recognize the attacks of the enemy to distract you and ignore them. Seek to enter His gates, always, in all things with thanks giving in your heart.

What this does.

 It dismantles the plan of the enemy to have his way in the gathering of God’s  people.  It prepares us to give and receive, with a measure greater than what it would be if we were not faithful to pray. An event or meeting we pray into  endears us toward it, to see good derive from it.  It promotes love towards those working in obedience to the Father to make things happen. It broadens our understanding in the intricate workings of the Holy Spirit among us, when we see the impact of our prayers realized in a meeting. It dissolves the temptation to be political, competitive, or compare with others because prayer for each other changes perspective where we are able to appreciate the body and see through the eyes of Christ.

Mark 4:24 Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.  For whoever has, to him more will be given …  This is the reward of effort and expectation. Being intentional to pray into our gatherings is an act of faith that moves the heart of God and pleases Him.