An Unholy Union

A symbolic dream! I have to outline the fact that dreams are symbolic because of unbelievable comments made on my YouTube channel! Does any body remember when Jesus said: The words I speak to you are spirit and they must be spiritually understood? This dream is metaphorical and speaks of the ecumenical body of apostate churches come out of, or joining in with, the mother of harlots who is a city called Mystery Babylon, that the kings of the earth have committed fornications with.  The woman who sits upon the beast in Revelation 17, and those who commit whoredoms with her, as she is riding the political powers of the earth! I believe that the dream reveals that we will see those of our own camps across Christendom through out the nations, join with the end time figure, or system known as anti christ. Or better yet, INSTEAD OF Christ.  Listen to this podcast where I share more on The Apostate Bride and Her Husband the Anti Christ, and how many in the body of Christ may have been financing this unholy union all along! Bring your thoughts and prophetic dreams here! Subscribe to and my YouTube channel, to be notified on updates. 🔥🔥🔥

Afterward, go to the CONTACT US link here at NWP, send me an email, saying: More info please! And I will send you the amazing video the Lord led me to, in order to confirm this end-times prophetic dream!