

The FOUNTAIN From Where It Comes

The diversity of personality you see in the Earth, reflects a glance of my image, seen in the twinkle of an eye. Much is lost in posturing, much is gained in understanding diverse modes of reception. How much the Church would benefit if they could receive me in all the ways I come to them, how mankind would benefit, in all the ways my Church has the capacity to reveal the Kingdom of my Son to them.

 I want my Church to understand this, for I have transformed my servants of the prophetic word, for these Latter Days, from an engine bound to a track, to be like a leaping and antlered stag! How they glide with leaps and bounds across man made divides! Know now for many to accept their end times ministry they will need to facilitate even more liberty, in the house of iron rails, to accommodate even more power, expressed in the demonstrations of the Spirit, those whom in their obedience were often rebuffed. Did I not hear their cries and my Spirit groaned with in me? I answered them, and descended upon their valley, I brought them unto the Holy Hill. While men built a track in the river, and while yet, vessels of my glory are designed to sail in the winds, still I obliged the railmen. Certainly, they saw the plan I gave them, the purpose I revealed. But, they faltered in their pursuit. For though the vision was true, still their approach was equivalent to a rail line in the river; for the wind of my Spirit was to radical for them … because, yet among them, few comprehended my ways.

The head winds are ever present, but the rail line is ever visible. The one thing they can see from where it comes and to where it goes with out having to trust those things that cannot be seen. For each rail has its station. And from there they go no where, but down the line right on time. A linear track- is that not the western way? True to forms of days gone by, and that which is familiar in the corporate world. Unlike the circuit of the winds that I have made having their seasons, arriving on MY SCHEDULES in their appointed times. STILL,  I supplied an engine, I answered a prayer not perfect, I accommodated a pursuit less ideal. Even as I supplied for Israel a King, though I wanted to be that one that they would look to lead them …  to carry the faith filled ones upon the WINGS OF THE WIND, I visited them with ANGELS AND MEN who carried breath that would deliver holy momentums from the hight of the mountain of the Lord, but from the mountain- they recieved not, they did not recognize the morning dew of heaven’s decent that rested up on my servants coming to them in the spirit of Elijah. Truly, had John approached them fresh from the wilderness, they would have scoffed at him as well.

Malachi 4:5

Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. “He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”

Another delay, and once again I heard them say “LORD where is your promise?” They cried out in despair, and I answered them. I visited them with the cargo, I promised to send, even an apostolic package, a customized company to bring me glory. But, it is that age old mocker whom many have seated themselves with, how he scorned vehemently… for his entrance called FlATTERY has earned its place among them, it has entered the sanctuary and trolls the base camp. For the mocker shames their ascents. Even the rise of the Spirit on my people, to summit the mountain of the Lord in the days of the revealing of the Son’s of God ….  Many hold their ear to soothsaying and not to the voice of my Spirit, says the Lord, chasing flattering tongues, throwing promises before the cruelty of the mockers mouth, and the slanderer slates again and again. When will my people see the flatterer seeks political gain only to mock the moves of God, not facilitate them?  I will make you great, says he, entrust your gifting and call into my hands. I will make you huge and fabulous! But, the Lord who resists the proud but gives grace to the humble, said, nay for I know what is in the heart of man.


Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was doing. But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man.
Proverbs 26:28

A lying tongue hates those it crushes, And a flattering mouth works ruin.

Psalms 1:1-3

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.

I gave you an engine for your track, though I called you to the Fountain’s Head Wind, although your agreement with the slanderer derailed, what I deemed an acceptable pursuit. Rather, now the time has come, a new thing now I have done, my faithful whom I have called from the rail line have gathered in a supernatural gathering, of my Spirit of Counsel  … The vision will be realized, but my people must remember, that they are not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices, as my runners foretell, a contrary spirit would *FORWARD TALES to defile the seed beds of new works, tampering with the yields of promise. Yes, now the rails lie buried under the sands of time, but THE VISION WAS TRUE it will not be delayed any longer, surely, I am turning Fathers toward their children, and the children’s hearts towards the voice of THE FATHER, through the earthly Father’s example. In this hour I am raising the dead. I am striking a fire where none has ever burned. A dad shall come home to his sons. This is the Spirit of Elijah rising. THEY WILL KNOW MY HOUSE, SAYS THE LORD. But, it will not come to pass as you have supposed.

The Flatter And Mocker Are One

I am the engineer of your times, what time has buried my Spirit will raise up, what your own understanding has attempted to build, has faltered; the timbers have cracked and you have shuddered because of it. But, what I am doing is far more reaching, and the mobile progression of it, will be as expressively powerful as an 8 point stag, and agile as his doe who leaps across the hills, whose young awaits her in the tall grasses … my little ones will not be abandoned, but nurtured in the House of the Father. This is my order and power and authority will rest upon the heads of my sons in the days of new beginnings. Will you sacrifice that thing that sets the fires of hell? But, you say, “I have not spoken the words of the mocker.” Yes, says the Lord, but you have listened. You have comprised your posturing towards my servants, out of the musings of their enemy. Your enemy. It is the little foxes that spoil the vines, the fly floating in sacred vessels, made putrid. Walk the vineyard, empty your vessels, cleans them from the sediments that have settled in it, and be filled once again! Set a watch upon every portal and guard this move of my Spirit, says the Lord. I will give you a new tongue in your prayer language that will speak to a new generation. For it is a HOLY and HEROIC act to stand up alone against the falsehoods of the flatterer, and the sting of his mockeries from the assembly of the scornful, and embrace the fullness of my Godhead bodily, in the fear and admonition of the Lord, as your head. Your one and only, that you obey.

Did I not say, in the end times many would be intrigued by his flatteries but those who put their trust in God will do exploits? Is this darkness not that which is to come? Is it not in the world working already?  Do you think those exploits shall be free of those who will laugh you to scorn? Have they not already, when you stood in faith while not receiving the promise? When you expected the impossible thing, possible? Even that spirit has come close to you that you have entrusted in your affairs to make you look better, sound better, and market better …Yet, they are the ones that shame you from my altar, and hide from my glory. These I would have you to cleanse my altar from, in a holy dismissal. Says, the Lord of Hosts. Chase this fox from my vineyard and hedge yourself about, and you will see my mighty hand.

Some say WIND. Some say FIRE. Some say WAVES.

In an instant all these will merge as one in a Holy tempest, says the Lord. WINDS, WAVES and FIRE. This is that which shall refine you while you yet stand waiting on my ALTER. Certainly, In the SPIRIT, the TONGUE that defiles and DESTROYS, will CONSUME IN THEIR MOUTH. It will begin at my alter, ridding my people of that PESTY DESTROYER of REPUTATIONS and LIVES. The tool by which many HAVE CONSUMED ONE ANOTHER. In fact regions have suffered because of the misrepresentation of those I’ve called to work there. There is a tide of holiness unto the Lord that is pushing out the darkness. My people will stand in my glory and ever-increasing light in these last days. Remember, to watch over all things in prayer, and I will watch over my word to perform it.

In these days you will see a resurge of power and something like a double portion of the former days of the SAW DUST TRAIL. The youth that will carry this will be standing on bare ground. An emphasis on TONGUES will resubmit and quickly move its course to the greater giftings, all of this in double portion of what has formerly been known. Again, cleanse your lips, says the Lord. What is not consecrated will foul this move. Are not words seeds? Is not my WORD a SWORD? It began with TONGUES of FIRE, It will end WITH the TONGUE CONSUMED at the altar for those who experience true TRANSFORMATION into the company of the called who will travel in Holy Ghost raids of power and impartation.  THE WORDS That I speak are they not SPIRIT? WHO among you have EARS TO HEAR? Will not a plague break out against this instrument that boasts against The Lord of Host? The rudder that sets HELL A BLAZE? Will not this JUDGEMENT PASS through the House of God, as a REFINER before it enters the world to destroy? Who is He THAT BLOWETH THE COALS? This is why HIS servants IN THE SPIRIT OF FEAR and trepidation call upon the HIGH PRIEST of their CONFESSION, to take the COALS, and cleans their lips, WHILE CRYING- Here AM I, oh Lord, take ME! The Spirit of the FEAR and admonition of the Lord, precedes the Spirit of Might and Power, whereby they shall do great exploits. Still, remember by flattery many shall fall.

Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Jeremiah 9:3
“They make ready their tongue like a bow, to shoot lies; it is not by truth that they triumph in the land. They go from one sin to another; they do not acknowledge me,” declares the LORD.

The Lord Tells Us to Put Away Unwholesome Conversation

Shall you not put away  filthy conversation, and words that would attempt to defile Holy provocations? In this consecration will they call down from heaven THE FIRE of God, it will devour the darkness and proclaim the Power of God, against the back drop of the night. This separation from sinful habit of the unruly member, precedes great accomplishments in the SPIRIT of MIGHT and POWER- that descend from the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. In Jordan HE WAS BAPTISED. “Submerged in the descender”. HIM, whom also, ascended on high and gave GIFTS unto MEN … the least of all these the gifts … the instrument that administrates it,  must yield to the humble estate of true repentance, before he ascends to that HIGHER estate. This is from where fresh anointing comes. Tongues of fire once again, preceding a double portion of everything until that which is perfect comes. Until HE who is perfection appears, the Church TRANSFORMED with HIM.

Remember, the oil of anointing began upon the CROWN OF THE HEAD OF THE HIGH PRIEST. (Arron). That descended upon the beard and flowed down upon the garments, the scripture reminding the saints, BEHOLD HOW GOOD AND HOW PLEASANT IT IS FOR BRETHREN TO DWELL TOGETHER IN THE SPIRIT OF UNITY, It is like the ANOINTING OIL DRIPPING FROM ARRON’s beard …. From Arron’s beard it pooled and released through the folds of the garment until it reached and sanctified the ground, He walked upon, marking the ground in pools where THE ANOINTED WALK. This is how the earth shall be filled with the Knowledge of the GLORY of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

The Drenching

Who is that? Who is the HEAD? Who is the fullness of the GODHEAD BODILY? The spirit of unity shall then call up, to pull down, the anointing to drench, and distribute; from fold to hem, the Priestly ANOINTING that will break COVENANTS OF DEATH, and yolks of Hell, it will break the chains that bind regions to darkness. Certainly, kings will bow. IN that day gentiles will stream Into the presence of the Bride of CHRIST  against the back drop of fleeting darkness. Woe to those that love not the truth and hate the LIGHT, in that day.

This is the New man transformed and set apart. One voice, one song, one language, the language of love in the WORD OF LIFE, spoken by those lips sanctified at the altar. This then will allow that thing [unity], to flourish in the body! This  teaching to be taught! Even the duty of those who EQUIP the saints, that will reveal the MANIFOLD wisdom of GOD to principalities and powers. Ephesians 3,4.

Psalm 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, Coming down upon the beard, Even Aaron’s beard, Coming down upon the edge of his robes. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forever-more.

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*Antlered Stag vs Train Engine and Rails, Vision October 2008

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