I’ve already recorded most of what I’m about to share with you and these are dreams of the end times that I’ve had since 1982. The dreams I’m going to share with you have not yet come to pass, but the ones that I have recorded on my website newinepouring.com since 2007 are many that have. For example, South America sending their children across the border without parents with them. I saw that in 2007, I saw that Afghanistan was not going to go away anytime soon back then, but that these two things would become a great burden on taxpayers. I saw South American children spilling into the lawns of Americans in 2010, out of the woods. The question is how many of them never made it out of “the woods”? Tragic. The Lord showed me that Obama was going to be elected both terms and some very specific things would take place in each of those terms that is an article and podcast of its own. He showed me the volcano erupting in Iceland, and the border crises was going to become out of control, I saw an Asian city sheltering in place in Asia creating a food insecurity crisis for the unprepared. My article warning of this incident was published back then, in 2018 it was called A City in Asia. Those are just highlights of what God has revealed to me over the years, now I’m going to share with you things that he has shown me that have yet to come to pass. Early in 2019 I had a dream, later I thought this dream had to do with the Covid-19 pandemic but now I question that, because a lot of people are saying another pandemic is coming and what they’re talking about describes this dream more so than COVID-19. I was standing in an ER waiting room  and this particular emergency room in the city where I was living had no walls but windows and it was nighttime in this dream, and I saw this ambulance backing under  the overhang where the emergency doors were, and so I’m watching this scene of this ambulance backing up to the emergency doors and all of a sudden, all of the hospital personnel flooded into the emergency room, and they were all covered from head to toe with hospital grade personal protective gear. While the ambulance was backing up to the emergency doors. It stopped, and both cab doors of the vehicle opened up and two paramedics jumped out one went to the back of the ambulance and opened up the doors, and  I watched in unbelief as the two of them then turned around and ran away as fast as they could, disappearing into the night, as the suffering human in the back of the ambulance groped about trying to make its way out of the ambulance. The person was groaning and breathing heavily to the point that the human being coming out of this ambulance sounded like an animal growling in agony. Reaching and stumbling towards the emergency doors with a zombie like gate.

I stepped away from the window. And moved clear to the back corner of the emergency room so that the ER responders wouldn’t have to walk around me to get to the door, and I realized the entire staff of that hospital was standing between myself and the person that the ambulance drivers ran away from. That was the end of that dream. I’m beginning to believe that what I saw was possibly a second pandemic, deadlier than the first. Without going into detail with all of the other visions and ways the Lord showed me some of the things that will be coming up in the future of America, (if America doesn’t repent) just know that when I say I saw, that means I was either in a vision or a dream or in prayer where God spoke to me about these things, visually. The following events that would take place in the end times in America if we don’t pray and intercede and repent as a country are as follows.:

  1. I saw flea markets with heaps of wallets, tossed away with American currency still in them, the cash still had an exchange value, but obviously not enough for one to even care since they would toss out their wallets with their currency still in them, with the currency was store discount cards still stuffed in the wallets. So, while the American 100-dollar bill, I saw in one of the wallets still had an exchange value, the Chinese 100 Yuan didn’t, if it did it wasn’t worth the effort. At the same time, there was an intimidating posturing of China over the whole situation. I felt like we just had to stay calm and not be reactionary, during this time of what was a potentially volatile set of circumstances taking place with these two countries. Obviously, we transitioned into another type of currency.  That made the need for wallets obsolete. Later, I saw Russia and China occupying international waters off the Pacific West Coast, belligerently.  While our economy seemed to be somewhat self-sustaining it appeared that Russia and China were tearing it up outside of our markets, that’s the only way I can explain it. In that dream an elderly relative struggling with memory issues asked me if it was 1974. In 1974 we were at the peak of an energy crises where a barrel of oil tripled in price. At this point I should mention that I saw large trucks left on the side of the road, and lots full of police cars dusted over and abandoned.  As if they were too much to keep in service and possibly had become replaced by drones and other technological means of policing.
  2. The 2024 election. The Lord did show me in late 2018 that Trump was going to exit halfway through his possible eight-year term, I never had a chance to record the dream, because I was overwhelmed with caregiving for two elderly parents and my husband of 37 years with stage four cancer. I was asked several times what I saw for the 2020 race, and my answer was honest, I didn’t ever see Trump doing another four years, at that time. However, I was able to record what’s been almost 2 years now a dream revealing a third-party run in the 2024 elections, that could become a spoiler making the 2024 election season more up in the air, than it would had been had not RFK not thrown his hat Into the ring, so we’ll see what comes with all of that, but the Lord showed me two years ago there would be a third-party run, and I began to suspect that RFK would drop out of the Democratic Party and step into the ring as that third-party run and he did. I also saw that Trump would have enormous support and before he actually announced running for 2024 that support was postured to get up and go enthusiastically. It’s been about a year and a half when the Lord showed me that there was going to be some interest, some stirring in the Obama camp in regard to campaigning and I don’t know if it was campaigning for the Democrats or campaigning for Biden or actually possibly campaigning for their own bid, but the focus was on Michelle Obama, and while I didn’t see the outcome of that bid I did see that it was going to be seriously sideswiped by a pedophile whistleblower accusing some of the people involved with the Obama’s of pedophilia and it could be that they might be disqualified because of their being too much of a scandal with people they are involved with out of Hollywood, but that remains to be seen. the question about these two may have come and gone. we’ll see. There was some buzz on that last year. and the last thing I’ll mention for right now is that I definitely saw Trump moving forward, overcoming every hurdle thrown against him time and time again,  literally like some kind of Captain America figurine, of superhero status, just not giving up, but what was disturbing was a white horse with no rider, and the beast of the Beauty and The Beast lore, all occupied the same space as if they were running in parallels at the same time. Animated in relentless motion in the top drawer of the one we know as the dragon this was a dream I had in mid 2023.
  3. In a more advanced in time set of dreams, given to me in the early 1980’s including an epic dream that took place near Seattle Washington. I saw that a catastrophic set of circumstances would warrant humanitarian aid to come into the United States and assist is something called the great evacuation to remove from harm’s way and resettle individuals in other parts of the country. This massive deployment of others in the US had a jurisdiction of their own and were not restricted by the US constitution. At this organizations choosing that seemed to be a conglomerate of nations, certain evacuees became detained in a chain of custody from one place to another and were not allowed to be released. They were held in custody and eventually delivered into death camps. One of these camps was located at the Virginia and North Carolina boarder where the shoreline of the ocean there had been catastrophically changed to an area of sand dunes where they set camp trailers up, that later resembled what was issued to Katrina Survivors in 2005 through Fema.  The rest of this epic dream and others from that era speaking of America in the end times, can be found here: America’s Troubles 1982-1989 Dreams

Before I finish, I have a couple more I should mention that are a warning of a very dangerous trend that will put this country in shock. This one I saw in 2020, It has to do with marauding bands of organized gangs and/or terrorist groups terrorizing major veins of travel later at night, where they conduct third world style traffic stops, pillaging, killing, and dragging off select victims. This trend will gain popularity if it goes unchecked, and small-time criminals will also learn the trade and implement their copycat version. I also saw in no uncertain terms the authority of the believer putting mobs and rioters in check, over cities and regions. I felt like the Lord said, “It’s time for my people to rise up and pray and know who they are in this hour!”   

Our battle is not with flesh and blood. But mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. These things are an attempt of the enemy to raise up strongholds of chaos and mayhem throughout this land to weaken the morale of this nation. That we don’t need to have, if we would just repent and turn from our wicked way and demonstrate the power of the name of Jesus in our land, over our capitals, our borders, and outposts throughout all nations. praying for repentance and a revival of prayer. In regard to these marauding mobs the Spirit of the Lord said, “My people can take authority over this. As you have authority over the power of the enemy listed in Luke 10, and the mandate to cast them out in Mark 16. 

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