Writer for NeWine Pouring- Deana Barnes
And the Lord answered, write the vision down, and make it plain that those who read the words, may run with it.  Habakkuk 2:2

As long as I can remember, I have had an enormous curiosity over the meaning of  life. I was not raised in a Christian home, there wasn’t much discussion about religion that I can remember, it just didn’t come up. Nevertheless, as a child I had many experiences that were common to children who have a prophetic call on their life. This included vivid night and day dreaming, with an acute awareness of spiritual darkness. As a tiny child my eyes were open to angels who literally looked like what is described in Hebrew 1:17.

Hebrews 1:7… “He sends his angels like the winds, his servants like flames of fire.”

In my child mind I called these ministering angels the flame people, and would see them sprint through the house  two or three at a time, at least once or twice a day, in the early years. For me this was no more incidental than a breeze blowing the curtains when the window was opened. When I began to verbally acknowledge their presence to my mother, my eyes became closed to them about the age of nine.

I attended Sunday school at a little Presbyterian church behind our house in the  summer. The adult church members caught news that there had been a suicide in our extended family that year, and their children decided to let me know that my loved one had gone to hell. It broke my heart. I wasn’t mad at God, but I didn’t want to be around people like that any more. I was 10 years old and what belief I did have in Him, seemed to dissolve. Instead, a fear began to build inside of me, and darkness, itself, seemed to take on a diabolical nature.

Seven years later at the age of 17 in September of 1978, my friends and I were outside having a party, when all of a sudden I was walking down a spiral staircase into flames that lapped up from beneath. The first thing I thought of was that I had died and this was my end. I realized after a few minutes that I was having a drug induced hallucination. Several hours later I was sitting outside of my home talking with one of  my friends. We had been out all night and I began to talk about God, as I was prone to do in those days.  The minute our conversation turned to God I saw the night turn into daylight! It was actually midnight! In a vision, I saw cross-roads before me  and I was standing on them. I knew that  I was going to be choosing one of those directions. It wasn’t hard to see the one not to choose because it was very ominous, but another one was glorious!  I saw a church house with beautiful spring flowers all around it, blue sky above, and puffy clouds; angels and people with the glory of God on their faces. The third way wasn’t dark, but it wasn’t as bright either. I saw my self  lying in a hospital bed, to start with, and this road had many regrets there after. I believe the Lord was showing me the result of my progression into the drug culture, if I continued the path I was on at that time.

I told my friend  I wanted to go back in to the daylight. He had no idea what I was talking about! He was sitting next to me and right in front of him I was having visions of God, seeing things he couldn’t see.  As you could imagine, he began to become upset not knowing what to do. At that point I looked up and over to my left, I saw a torch come down from heaven towards me. I knew the Lord was handing me this torch and somehow knew if I took it that my life would never be the same. It  would be the higher way of the three  roads that I saw before. I reached up and  took the torch! I really did it! My friend was sitting next to me and saw my arm go up and reach for it!  The next morning I prayed for the first time in my life and asked the Lord if he was still there with me. I felt a thick peace roll down over the top of my head like honey. I learned that day that you could actually feel God’s presence in the Earth. Since then I have felt His Spirit multitudes of times, it doesn’t always feel the same way. But there is no mistaking His presence.

I can tell you from that day forward my life has never been the same. I didn’t know any thing about God. Somehow, I knew you needed to know Jesus Christ, but it wasn’t much more than that. I had no religion in me to mess me up. I was a clean slate turning to the bible and studying it, reading  it over and over again. I learned what Easter was supposed to be all about; and prayer. I learned about healing, and the Holy Spirit, and received the infilling of His Holy Ghost. This is when the gift of prophecy  began to develop in my life.

I understood as the years went by my call, and how it related to the torch. Torches start fires, they illuminate the darkness, they signal the way.  I only carry it.  Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” I have carried that torch in places where God has told me to go, doing those things He has told me to do, accepting His plan for my life that has spanned over 38 years,  ministering  in various outreaches, including  jails,  prisons, nursing homes, women’s meetings, and churches. I started a business publishing  gospel literature. In 1997 the Lord moved me into a secular career for several years in the hospitality industry as a general  manager. I was promoted to train managers to run their own motels and earned my various successes by adhering to the principles of God’s Word in business. In 2004 the Lord called my family and I to the east coast for prayer ministry on the eastern seaboard, where I continued managing condos, and loss recovery insurance, for beach front vacation homes. Since 2007, I’ve settled into a life of writing, and full time prophetic ministry.      -Deana  Barnes Updated 2016

Isaiah 61:2 (Today’s New International Version)For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.

Romans 10:9-10 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

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Image 2015

The Prophet Seer Anointing

When people say that prophecy is not about fore seeing but forth telling, I remind them of John of the book of Revelation, who both fore told and forth told. Also, Agubus who was one of the seventy that had a gift of prophecy and was called a prophet, he also forth told and foretold, warning the church of a famine of which the council of Jerusalem responded to. He also warned Paul of his bonds if he were to continue to go to Jerusalem. Acts 11:27  Because Agubus used a visual demonstration to tell Paul of this prophetic warning, it stands to reason that the warning came to him visually. This is where we get into the seer anointing. Because this occurred in the New Church Era, we can safely say there are prophets that see, and prophetic words that fore tell and warn. While some say this happened in a time of the first century church so therefore it is passed away, I say there are 2000 years of visions and dreams prophesied by the Prophet Joel that would endure until the great and terrible day of the Lord, and announced to have arrived, by Peter himself in the 2 chapter of Acts! Where he said, “this [outpouring of the Holy Spirit] is that spoken of by Joel the prophet!” Peter, John, and Agubus are a testament to the prophet seer giftings, after the Ascension. There are words from the Lord that are sealed and others that are subject to alterations and conditions. Conditional prophecies depend upon the response and obedience of the hearer. Paul was compelled to continue his journey to Jerusalem, but it appears there could have been an alternate path. We will never know what that would have been. Paul didn’t divert but chose to go on. The famine prophecy caused the church to prepare for it, to help reduce loss and carnage. It occurred in the time of the Roman Emporer Claidius. So never let anyone tell you that making reasonable preparations for perceived trouble is not faith, or not of God.   -Deana Barnes 

I’m calling you to a land with many roads and highways to travel off the beaten path.”  Prophetic word for David and Deana 2004

– The prophet seer anointing has been evident in Deana’s life for three decades, assisting us in ministry, our careers, and in the raising of our family. Over the years she has received dreams and visions that concern national, and international events. From  American military action, to political coup d’état in foreign countries. Her dreams have revealed enigmatic details regarding the World Trade Center disaster, and other major world events. She saw Obama in the White House before he was elected, and a Clinton serving in his administration. We began to warn our family and friends in 2007 of what was termed “an economic tsunami” before the phrase was coined as so, and a militarization of the American police force. Deana foretold of Native American revivals, and an over whelming foreign migration spilling into the lawns of American citizens, she warned this would cause the middle class to be over taxed, and overburdened, to the point of losing that class to poverty levels. The Lord spoke to Deana regarding the NSA over reach warning not to join with Christians who slander president Obama but to be an intercessor for his administration. 2009 the Lord gave her an enigmatic heads up regarding the importance of Donald Trump saying, “A bird of the air will take your words into king’s palaces.” When asking the Lord who that King was, she saw a picture of Donald Trump in an open eyed vision. From that point Deana began to take note of headlines and events regarding him. She was given a dream foretelling the 2010 volcano eruption in Iceland, Earthquakes beginning in the House of God, ( Christ Church New Zealand) and the 2011 Mid East shake ups including  “a day of judgement for some will be a day of justice for others”, fulfilled when  Muamar Gaddafi, and Osama bin Laden were captured in 2011. A break through in cancer research regarding the immune system, and  headline news in air transportation. Iraq and Syrian refugees hiding in the Mountains of Turkey- prophesied almost 2 years in advance. Headlining news items at the end of President Obama’s first term regarding homosexuality and paedophilia. See: The New Church Era, What I See for America, The Good Friday Prophecy, Seismos, Dead Tree Falling, Strange Bird II, and  Days of the Judges prophecies. More recently, The Winnowed and the Pruned, Vantage Point, Red River Nation. Journey; and more recently State of Exposure, and the Walking Eagle Vision. Deana and I have been married for 35 years, we have three adult children, and six grandchildren, we reside in North Carolina.  -David Barnes  2017

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12 thoughts on “Deana’s Testimony

  1. I appreciate, thank you for your latest message Dee. Some Say Wind, Some Say Fire, Some Say Waves

    In it, a sentence:

    “How much the Church would benefit if they could RECEIVE me in ALL the ways I come to them, how mankind would benefit, in all the ways my Church has the capacity to reveal the Kingdom of my Son to them.”

    We know as watchers, it is coming, God is going to unite Christianity, bring the Orthodox, Catholics and non-Catholic Christians together to ONE belief. And He is going to ask non-Christians to convert on “that great day” of Revelation 6:17.

    Our Lord’s words…”If they could receive Me in all the ways I come to them” IS the most Holy Eucharist. The pinnacle, the summit of the Faith.

    God’s plan, You “receive” the New Covenant Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ, our God
    and Savior into our very person! Imagine, oh the humility of God. Like the Old Covenant, they consumed the sacrificed Passover Lamb and now in the New, far, far greater. You “receive” God Himself in the consecrated host and consecrated wine.

    It takes total faith for you do not see a change in the consecrated host and consecrated wine. Believe. ask Our Lord. The Eucharist is supernatural (spirit & life), from God, is God. Jesus never, ever said this is a symbol of My body, a
    remembrance of My sacrifice on Calvary. He said “This IS My body.” God wants
    us all to believe the same, everyone realizes, understands already.

    God bless you,


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Prophecies fulfilled-“a break through in cancer research regarding the immune system, and headline news in air transportation.” The Lord showed me this in 2009. I thought the break through in cancer research had already happened a couple years ago, seems that the news came out in May of 2014. It looks like I declared that fulfilled 2 years before its time. -Got ahead of my self on that one. Bless the Lord who always causes us to triumph in Him. Cancer is like a terrorist, the enemy who hides among you, it operates under the catagory of a LYING SPIRIT. Cancer is a terrorist, the enemy who hides among you. it operates in falsehoods, acting like it is a friendly when it is not at all. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Same principle of warefare. Disease is evil and behind disease are demons. We can cast them out in Jesus name. Christ referred to them as unclean spirits.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Pat for that link, God is certainly raising up a standard against those things encroaching upon our freedoms. This however is more than an (encroachment) more like a pouncing.


  3. Deana,
    I just read a couple of the words you published and your testimony, they have blessed me. I want to affirm and encourage you. It is always a great thing to find a fellow believer/pilgrim to walk with in the life of our Lord.
    God Bless,
    Rockey Jackson

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