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NeWine Pouring is the message of the New Testament poured down through the ages, sealed by the crimson flow that issued from the cross, even the precious blood of the lamb that washed away our sin, that we might live and reign in Him!

This site shares a prophetic and often poetic view, of the sojourning bride of Christ, in our world today.
A dream journal website,
-by Deana Barnes

For a quick look at Deana’s prophetic dreams of  America in the end times, click the link below.
Dreams and visions: America’s Troubles

Remnant Nation Radio Podcast 

Deana Barnes

Over a span of  43 years  Deana has ministered in outreaches, prisons, jails, churches, and women’s meetings. After several years in property, business, and people  management, the Lord called her into a life of prayer, prophetic scribing, and a global media outreach in 2007.
Her teaching articles, testimony, and prophetic words, have been seen by individuals from 198 different countries and territories, where views have reached beyond 800 thousand. This has been through various forums, including christian websites, as well as her own.

Deana has never monetized her website or podcasts, and has provided biblical dream interpretation with out charge. It  has been her life long joy to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with out cost or monetary demands. Much of her material includes prophetic prayer mandates and warnings of national and global events. Including articles written such as The Arm of The Flesh In The Power Of The Mob, a warning of race riots that preceded the George Floyd tragedy.  A dream called: A City In Asia, and another titled- Incoming, Both depicting an international health crises.  America’s Home Invasion Prophecy, that warned of the border crises, and human suffering to follow, came in a series of dreams beginning in 2007. She began to see a new out break of Ebola coming to the Congo, in 2014. And later, desperate rioting on the streets of Venezuela. Other dreams that came to pass include the Icelandic volcano eruption, the Arab Spring, and various others published on NWP, around that time. She had dreams that revealed both presidential election outcomes, of the Obama era. When asked if she saw Trump in the White House for a second term, the answer was that nothing was being told to her about a second term. While praying for his efforts to win back his loss, Deana stated she saw the momentum of those efforts crash land in Pennsylvania. Her dream of Biden’s un interrupted inauguration, confirmed to her his election was not going to be over turned. In that dream she saw a blue banner rolling in that read: Inspired systems by the den.

Deana’s dream of worthless paper money thrown out with the wallets they were in, four years ago, is called Tossing Wallets. New dreams regarding the 2024 election season have been posted on her podcast line up, on the Remnant Nation Radio page here at NWP. Her website and social media has been tampered with by shadow bannings and account cancelations since 2016. So pray for this ministry that continues to provide a watchman’s perch in the Spirit, as seers and intercessors come together-from coast to coast lifting up this nation in Deana’s weekly ‘Furnace Room’ gatherings.

At the time she accepted Christ in 1978, Deana received an open eye vision of the Lord handing her a blazing torch out of heaven that lit up the night sky, following a brief but horrifying vision of hell; she was 17 years old. Later, she would understand the experience of the torch to signify a commission of God to an end-times prophetic ministry. 

“There is nothing more sweet to experience on earth than lingering in the presence of almighty God, among His beloved. All the teaching and personal prayer ministry in the world cannot compete with a corporate visitation from God, brooding over His people, because they chose to gather in one accord to simply wait on Him! The resurrection life that pools out of the saints in these encounters is imperative to our collective health. It heals, restores, and connects, the body of Christ like no other. We only need to look at the 2nd chapter of Acts to see the impact this kind of seeking-assembly has, on outreach and evangelism. Often in these encounters members of the body become confirmed, and activated, in their part in advancing the Kingdom of God.”    -Deana Barnes
In Him we live and breathe and have our being!

America’s Home Invasion Prophecy

Below is a podcast where I share with the listeners one of the most profound encounters I’ve ever experienced since I excepted Christ in 1978. I was given an interactive parabolic vision, where I believed for several minutes that I was experiencing a home invasion. Listen to this audio reading of America’s Home Invasion Prophecy, given to me in February 2016. The humanity that is marching towards our border is an issue that was inevitable, the minute any country south of our border would fall into crises, and begin to crumble. But, no one did anything about enforcing our laws, or changing them for the times we are in now. Certainly, not the Obama administration. Rather, trafficking and slavery of all kinds have had full reign to exploit men, women, and children, desperate for a better life. What is more concerning  for us all is the terrorists, the bad actors, the ruthless cartel, that has infiltrated our country.  Including what many have reported as a foreign insurgency to help overturn our government into a socialist state. We do know that people whom don’t belong here, are filling our streets to protest, meddling in our elections, and being paid to do so, who favor the socialist agenda. I don’t make predictions, I make intercession. In prayer I some times see international events through the view of a prophetic lens, that cant be fully understood until history begins to unfold. While prophetic dreams are dreams you wake up from, and visions you’re often fully aware that you’re in one, this experience was unlike either. I wasn’t in prayer nor sleep, as I explain on this audio post dated in March of 2016 that is more relevant now than ever.  I believe God wanted me to see and feel the fearful reality of what is happening at our borders in a parable of a home invasion. While seeing the humanity and suffering, on the other side. Why it is happening. What we can do to make the best of a very bad situation. Perhaps, the wisdom of Solomon can be given us to fix it. Where bad actors are chased off, and families separated are reunited. Because we did this, we had the power to secure our borders by just enforcing our laws. Perhaps points in this parable have already been happening, and coming to pass,  for after all it is almost three years now since this vision occurred. But as I said, in the article back then it is an invasion and it is going to ramp up. Praying for peace at our borders!  It is all certainly coming to a head and America needs to address it once and for all, for the sake of protection for all who live here, and for those seeking asylum and citizenship. 

An Audio Reading of America’s Home Invasion.

Deana Barnes Dream Journal


NeWinePouring is the message of the New Testament poured down through the ages, sealed by the crimson flow of the Cross of Christ. The Covenant between God and His people through His Son.


May this website bless you and encourage you to be all that you are called to be in Him.  -deana barnes

All graphics and photography on this site other than my own, has been purchased for use. Anything beyond that is the result of a public domain search and is protected/in compliance of the fair use copyrights act.

Click here for Remnant Nation Radio Podcasts

Warning For America Eight Years Ago, Is Our Reality Now!

Sadly, all we could have done to turn this around was never accomplished.  I warned of the infiltration eight years ago in America’s Home Invasion Prophecy. I began to have dreams starting in 2007 of a border crisis that crested into an open-eyed vision in February 2016. Unfortunately, we did not do our part in the conditional promise for the alien act, I wrote about found in (Isaiah 28:21).  (You’ll understand by reading the complete article, link below.) Hopefully we still have a chance to turn America around this coming election year; however, we will have to ride through an incoming storm to get there.

America’s Home Invasion Prophecy 3/2016 excerpt:

Crossing the border illegally, are many hardened by the ravages of a land mutilated by drug cartels, that have committed atrocities much like, and equal to ISIS. There is no question that terrorists are among them.

We have a fundamental responsibility to our borders that we have failed at. America has been safe to occupy illegally by trespassers of all kinds. The good the bad and the ugly. Her security lights have gone out. Her towers of strength have been reduced to rubble and she has no walls. From where will the watchman watch? From where will they stand? Our garage door was never really open. Nor were all the lights in the house really turned off. But America’s greater door is wide open. And she is not burning the midnight oil of wisdom …   America’s Home Invasion Prophecy Published March 2016.

Excerpt continued:

It is true that our home is our home, and regardless of whether or not we lock our doors, or close our gates, no one has the right to enter our homes or walk through our property without being invited. This is called trespassing. The rule of law forbids it. We have laws that we don’t enforce. America has trespassing laws, as well as immigration laws. It is a sin to break the laws of the land, God does not honor sin. Many who come to this country, illegally, suffer the consequences of a trespasser, when those who have a right to do so enforce the law. They also suffer when their trespassing condition is held over them and they become enslaved to those who use it to manipulate their condition of guilt, much like how Satan enslaves us all under the puppet strings of sin. It is our fault we left our borders wide open. Still, illegal is illegal.


It is true that the intent of all these trespassers is to enter into the country and use the benefit of citizenship in every way they can for themselves. They feel they are entitled to live as their neighbors do, and desperate times call for desperate measures, as well. Per the vision, this is equivalent to breaking into a house that someone else worked hard to buy and use all that is in the house for their use. With out a vested interest in it. If they spill something on the floor and clean it up, do the dishes, or even replace the shampoo they used; still, they are trespassing and nothing they do changes that until they abide by the law.


As a Christian in this dilemma, an unusual thing happened, my voice demanded an action to PULL THE TRIGGER! PULL IT NOW! Because a growing number of Americans do not know the intent, or motives, of those who do not belong in their home. It appears that God has gone up with a shout, his voice as the sound of a trumpet. Is God giving us this campaign season to promote a trembling spirit in the land that will drop the rod between sheep and goat intruders? Who would think such a thing to occur?  [What could have been. See the conditional promise below.]

ISAIAH 28:14 -7 Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem … because you have said: when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.


Now therefore be ye not mockers, for I have heard from the Lord God of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.

As Americans need to repent so do those who break the law to infiltrate her. But greed and lawlessness have no excuse on either side of the coin. On both sides of these offences the offending parties have been negatively impacted. Whatever is behind the human carnage in all of this will have its day in God’s court. Trespassing is a misdemeanor; treason is a high crime. The powers that be- have not protected America, but for purposes of personal gain, and votes to retain power, they’ve enabled  a very dangerous invasion across our borders. The suffering will have to be accounted for in this exploitation. See the whole article at the link below. 

America’s Home Invasion Prophecy 3/2016

A vision of open borders and bad characters entering in America, a crisis that could have been reversed with an alien act described in scripture. Will we have another chance?

My Name Is Riot  A dream. A demonic horde invades street protests and transforms into a violent operative of terrorism in America, only seen in 3rd world countries.


The Apostate Bride And Her Husband The Anti Christ

I saw a wedding party across the boundaries of a property divide. I had facilitated a few workers in fields next to it, to meticulously plant seedling-starts in rows on the side near the property lines. I seemed to have been working with them (or for them) moving each one to their fields, making sure they had all they needed for the work, and even drove them to fields beyond their home base. I had nothing to eat all day and felt a little neglected that they had not thought to share their lunch with me earlier being in their camp.

Late afternoon came and the sun began to dip behind the tips of the tree line. I had just helped another worker who had her plants from her seedbed lined up to go into the ground, laid out for transplanting. I noticed she was a thoughtful and quiet young woman carefully taking each plant into her hands under the blue sky and sound of birds, to plant them. Now famished, I looked over and noticed that the field was connected to a property that had a catering company laying out foods for a wedding party. At first I thought it was associated with our fields and thought for a moment that was why they didn’t offer me lunch, because they knew I would be eating there. When I told the maiden I didn’t know this was all out here, she said that is not of us. I looked for the property line and saw the divide between the two properties. The contrast of wealth was clearly evident. I looked beyond the tables and saw a large gazebo made of white marble stone pillars, and as my eyes focused on this, in the distance, I began to see that the bride was standing there in full costume, and that she had recognized me, and was calling me over.

I walked toward her to see what she needed and saw the catering company was setting out food, in  abundance. Though I was hungry, I continued to walk toward the bride past the food, as she was wanting to talk to me. I began to realize that I knew her, it seemed, from a long time ago in the tail end of the days of the charismatic renewal. I knew her as a gifted committed Christian. She asked for me to pray for her and when she did, I told her I’d be happy to. She pointed to the front of her bridal gown, and I could see that she had a baby bump, and I then understood she had an “out of God’s order” pregnancy. She had been with the man before their wedding. She told me the baby had a mark, an open lesion on its body in the womb. It was like I had X-ray vision and I could see it too. She said the doctors could do nothing for the child. I saw them, a few feet over from her, huddling together in their white coats, and they looked mortified.

I felt grieved that the bride seemed shameless over the out of God’s order condition she and the groom had allowed themselves to get into, even though she was a Christian. I then thought well  I can’t judge her, she may have repented and there was no time to see if this was the case. I thought of course the baby is innocent, so I poised my self to pray for the child; but then we were suddenly ushered upstairs by the wedding directer to an upper-room where the rest of the wedding-party was at, a table not yet set. Wanting to get the prayer over with, and just leave, I began to pray for the baby there, but as I did I opened my eyes and standing next to the bride was now the groom. The moment of the exchange of vows were closing in.

The groom was so uncomfortable with me praying for the bride, he had to bend down and brace his arms on the table to endure it, and as I began to pray for the baby to be healed, he began to shake his head mocking the prayer. I stopped praying and asked the groom if he was really shaking his head? Is this real? I stepped back and began to understand that the bride was about to publicly yoke herself in covenant with a hostile and godless man, that she had already given herself to, that not only disdained my prayer but mocked prayer for healing of the child.

My spirit grieved over the whole scene and I couldn’t go on with the prayer. I felt like I was witnessing an absolute dumpster fire of what this Christian woman was getting herself into. I stepped back and she pressed me to pray for her like she wanted a blessing, and all I could do for her was touch her forehead and say, “May God have mercy on your soul.” I knew that the prayer sounded like a judge’s utterance after condemning a criminal to death row, but I could say no more in good conscience. This made her very upset and she began to whine and cry and complain that I was implying she was in error, and that she was not in God’s favor. I stood and watched this woman crying in what I call “Lucy” tears.  A lot of ugly crying but no true remorse.  I could do no more for her, seeing my distress, my daughter walked up to me, put her hand on my shoulder and said, “It’s okay mom, she’s a false light.”

We left and would not touch the food of the wedding party though every table we passed was serving. We went back to the field even to the maiden quietly planting in the dirt whom I had given all I had, to be there and plant. Even though they had their meals with out including me, I was relieved of the simplicity of  being back in a more quite organic scene, planting in the dirt.

I believe that this dream reveals that the apostate church is among us and has come into an unholy union with the anti-christ spirit, in ways yet to be detected, and has conceived, and the two of them together will give birth to an offspring marked for destruction. In other words what comes from their union, what fruit, is not sanctioned by God. They’ve already been in bed with one another so-to-speak, and this thing has begun in secret and in secret it has been developing, but soon we will see the public display of an agreement, oath covenant, or treaty, that they had made together, that will reveal what the apostate church is truly married to.

The bride in this dream was not anyone I had ever met in reality, but she was a Hollywood actress whose name means white and pure. A predominate character that she played is a mystical figure that foretells. You could easily say that she represents one who would be viewed as wholesome and prophetic. While she may beckon the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, gifts of healing, and miracles, to come and even attend her pre-nuptial gatherings, in a call of service, it will be in these occasions that exposures will take place, that she came from us, but is not of us. 

1 John 2:19

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.

2 Corinthians 11

Oh, that you would bear with me in a little folly—and indeed you do bear with me. For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!

Paul and False Apostles

For I consider that I am not at all inferior to the most eminent apostles. Even though I am untrained in speech, yet I am not in knowledge. But we have been thoroughly manifested among you in all things.

Did I commit sin in humbling myself that you might be exalted, because I preached the gospel of God to you free of charge? I robbed other churches, taking wages from them to minister to you. And when I was present with you, and in need, I was a burden to no one, for what I lacked the brethren who came from Macedonia supplied. And in everything I kept myself from being burdensome to you, and so I will keep myself. As the truth of Christ is in me, no one shall stop me from this boasting in the regions of Achaia. Why? Because I do not love you? God knows!

But what I do, I will also continue to do, that I may cut off the opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the things of which they boast. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

Revelation 2:20 But I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads My servants to be sexually immoral and to eat food sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.

Share your thoughts in the comments below. What scriptures come to mind as you read about this dream?


Ahab Jezebel Modus Operandi 

A Warning To Prepare

In retrospect we now know the dream I’m posting above had to do with sheltering in place during the pandemic. Yet, the dream still carries a prophetic warning now! I also wrote about it in such a way to teach prophetic lessons and processes as I go, because this is what the Lord told me to do. Recalling other dreams and even mistakes I’ve made in recording them. I talk about setting up prophetic councils in our churches where the presbytery encourages budding dreamers and prophets to bring their dreams, visions, and prophetic words, to be biblically processed. Preparing them to gain skill and confidence to integrate their gift into the general assembly.

1 Corinthians 12:7

But the manifestation of the spirit, is given to everyone to profit withal. For to one is given by the spirit, the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, by the same spirit. To another faith, by the same spirit: to another the gifts of healing, by the same spirit: To another the working of miracles, to another prophecies, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.

Acts 2:17

‘In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.”

The Furnace Room

What is The Furnace Room?

The Furnace Room is an on line gathering of Spirit filled believers, in Spirit led intercession. Hosted by Deana Barnes and Crystal Rain of Deana Barnes Prophetic Ministry. The Bible says my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations. We are collectively and individually God’s house. Our basic ministry to Him is prayer. The Furnace Room is a place for intense spiritual warfare and prophetic prayer ministry. Normally, as the Lord leads we minister to one another, and take prayer requests later in the meeting.

When is Furnace Room Prayer? Starting at 9:30 in the morning in this season we are meeting on Saturdays. We are on line for 4 hours. While most leave before that, and others jump on later, a few take time to stay the entire session.

What does the Furnace Room look like and what is it’s mission? 

The Furnace Room has an amazing two fold testimony behind it, that I don’t have time to include all of it in this article, but begins with a dream of being in a furnace room watching intercessors and angels standing at its control panels, interceding as the fire was consuming dross pouring into it from main street America. The furnace stood in a place where there was actually a court house in real life. I believe this represented the righteous judgments of God. The second part was the fulfilment of a prophetic word given in 2009 of furnace room prayer gatherings all across this nation raised up by God, that we were not aware of until after the Furnace Room was created, as an on line intercessory prayer chamber, this prayer chamber evolved from our prayer house in 2009. It is in short, a place to minister to the Lord and have freedom in the Spirit to pray for the agenda’s of God. We are not moved by quantity but the quality and richness each encounter is with the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 3-6 are must read chapters to understand spiritual warfare and what brings church unity and true growth. Acts 13 sets the norm for how new commissioning’s and callings are generated in gatherings that “minister” to the Lord until He speaks. Paul’s ministry outpost we see in Acts 19, is the paradigm of what we are doing at The Furnace Room. Whether we be few or many we have callers that call in, on the phone, and zoomers on video. Of course we prefer face to face video but it’s not required.

What does the furnace room sound like?

Our zoom calls can sound like a few things heated up! Worship, warfare, and waiting. Prayer ministry and deliverance. It can also sound like absolute and  abstract silence in a Holy hush under the power of the Holy Spirit. At times the Lord uses whom he chooses to bring a word for the day.

Because of the unique circumstances making it impossible for everyone to sing together, (sound feedback) a song can be enjoyed one of two ways. Soaking it in as heart worship to the Lord, or putting yourself on mute and singing along!

Otherwise we encourage all to worship and lift up their voices, in intercession, in that no one cares about feed back. We join our voices in laudations to the Lord! Blending in style joining in song, when we sing in the Spirit, and joining in prayer when we are praying in the spirit. Yielding to anointed utterance in tongues and prophecy. All are encouraged to operate in their giftings, according to the subject we are on during prayer or prophetic declarations. I have been involved in prophetic ministry for decades beginning with God setting me among a company of prophets in 1980, in an apostolic work in the region we were in. From that place and through the years I received various commissionings from God to do the work of the ministry, in churches, outreaches, prisons and jails, and women’s meetings, always maintaining a House of Prayer in every city lived in. 

We endeavor to develop individuals who need it, to enter into a fluency in their giftings. With room to grow, and grace to sometimes get it wrong, and work on getting it right, we maintain this space as a believers meeting. Not a public outreach for everyone. It’s a launching site for the equipping of the redeemed to go out into the high way and hedges to seek and save those who are lost. Which goes back to the pattern of Acts 13 that many don’t take the time to do any more, that is seeking him as a unit of believers with no time restraints.
 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31

The gift of tongues and interpretation is present at the meetings. Waiting on the Lord is present. All our encourage to share Holy Spirit promptings to confirm prophetic words after one is given. The key to every thing is to stay on subject until we are moved on. Those that have unrelated burdens or sharing are given opportunity to do so in our wind down period

The Furnace Room recognizes two distinct manifestations of tongues. The gift ministry of tongues, (1 Cor 12:28) and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues as  one’s prayer language, perfectly acceptable in audible congregational prayer, worship, and songs, unto the Lord. (1 Jude 1:20 1Cor. 14:14, 14:15) Different from the gift ministry of divers kinds of tongues that are spoken or sung out in a more distinct and bold way that requires the congregation to yield and listen to it where an interpretation, related prophecy, or prophetic impression follows after. 

Ephesians 4:7-16

NKJV Spiritual Gifts

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore He says:

“When He ascended on high,
He led captivity captive,
And gave gifts to men.”

(Now this, “He ascended”—what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.)

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. Spiritual Gifts

1:Corinthians 12:1-14

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led. Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit.

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith  by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various  kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit,  who apportions to each one individually as he wills.

One Body with Many Members

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in  one Spirit we were all baptized into one body-Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

For the body does not consist of one member but of many. 

1Corinthians 12:28 And God hath set some in the church: first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracle workers, then those with gifts of healing, helpers, administrators, and those with diversity of tongues.

Roman 8:26

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words.

Ephes 6:18

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—

Jude 1:20 – But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

1 Corinthians 14:14 – For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.

1 Corinthians 14:15 – What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.

If you are interested in learning more about Spirit led  intercession go to the Contact Us page and send me an e-mail to request more information.

Will Michelle Obama Run?

Will Michelle Obama run for President? So far I’ve yet to have a presidential election dream that has not come to pass. I saw Michelle becoming a popular political speaker during the 2024 Election, in a dream, I had towards the end of  2022. Lately, the headlines have been reporting just that. I posted this dream over three months ago and quiet honestly after the chef incident I really wasn’t sure if we would be hearing from them at all. But I posted the dream anyway.

More recently, there is some news media stirring up over the  Obamas’ and the 2024 presidential race. In the dream I saw something that sidelined a tour bus that Michelle stepped into after an enthusiastic energetic rally, seemingly at a college auditorium.

Will the Obama’s overcome the consequences of bad associations out of the Hollywood/Clinton/Podesta/ Epstein connections? Will elements of that conversation side swipe their momentum? Or are there other issues closer to home? This dream seems to reveal the possibility that the Hollywood, Clinton/Podesta/Epstein child abuse accusations has its draw backs for the Obamas. Of the three dreams I have dreamt and published on them all three have come to pass. This is number four, while I had this dream over a year ago before the drowning of their chef (that seemed to slow down the chatter of any one of the two running) I think they may still test the waters. No dark humor intended.

My late 2022 dream regarding Trump declaring, “That will split the vote”, has come to pass with the recent announcement from RFK Jr. to run as a 3rd party. An independent run historically splits votes away from the two-party system. I share details of the Trump dream for 2024 as well as recapping the 2008 and 2012 Obama dreams.  All for the purpose of prayer and intercession. May truth in all things  prevail and God keep those that tell it, and walk in it. Dreams are a funny thing, if you would ask characters from the Bible: Where do dreams come from? Job, Joseph, Daniel, and many others in the new and old testament would have an answer. They are one of many ways God seals up knowledge into the heart of man. So then how important is it for us to keep our hearts and minds pure through Jesus Christ to hear God well? Test all things.

1 Thesolonians 5:16-

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies.Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.   I did not disable this video as it states. So Copy paste: or click the the underlined portion. 

Can dreams for-tell the future? twitter X @thepouring iheart Radio Remnant Nation Radio

My Name Is Riot

A group of masked men block an outer metropolitan area using a commandeered snow plow to push vehicles into each other and block the road. Out of the night they quickly approach the stalled vehicles and begin to systematically break windows, open doors, and force commuters out of their cars, lining them up along the curb on the side of the road. Who they were and where they come from wasn’t clear, but their movements were brazen and calculated like they had done this before, and often.

The horrific event turned out to be a night vision and dire warning of third world style marauders terrorizing motorist in a way never seen on American soil. The scene opens up somewhere in the northeast. However, there is another occurrence that takes place in that encounter that calls for God’s people to rise up and make a stand in the hour we are living in right now. The Church must realize Her roll in the earth. Did God not say, “Heaven is my throne and the earth my footstool?”

The definition of riot is: A wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people, for a common purpose. In this instance it is to overwhelm innocent people under the power of a mob.

Listen to this entire podcast and share it with those who need to be scared out of their slumber, and awakened to His power that God wants us to demonstrate in the earth. Learn what is required of us in this hour! Of course we need repentance through out America and many have been fasting, praying, and weeping, over the darkness that is in our land. But even Sodom and Gomorrah had an intercessor to stand for it. Abraham was a friend of God. As a friend the Spirit of the Lord engaged Abraham with the events that grieved His heart concerning these two wicked cities who, ironically, were known to accost travelers and victimize people coming upon their city in transit.

So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.

 This awful plan of the enemy, that I would imagine will employ disenfranchised third world stragglers from countries, where street and  roadway thuggery is the norm; to rob, rape, kidnap, and murder, commuters traveling around and about the metropolitan areas, and remote desert highways. But I saw the believer in Christ bearing a responsibility to keep this  from manifesting in the violent way it has capacity to do so in this land. We’ve been watching them stop traffic as a tool of protest, but it’s about to take on a more sinister shade in the weaponization of this practice, in acts of domestic and foreign originated violence, beyond protests. Many American citizens will handle such a thing their way. We don’t have 2nd amendment rights for nothing but this again is not the violence we want to see beginning to advance itself as the new norm in our nation. Remember the advancement of mass shootings that moved from rare to common in our world. I believe this dream is showing the Body Of Christ our responsibility in the free world to resist spiritual darknesses moving into our land by what happens next in the dream. Share this video with people that pray. God bless!

The Furnace Room Songs of The Lord

The Furnace Room.
Notes and songs of the Lord. 1/14/24

Prophetic prayer ministry and intercession. A small meeting reaching from coast to coast.
In Fields of Green.
Come away dance with me in fields of green come away my beloved, come with me to fields of green, my maiden my bride,

Into the fields of green I’m your healer come!

I’ve seen you as you lay down your alabaster box before me, what is precious.  I have seen it! I’ve seen your tears says the lord!  And I desire this hour to take my bride, take my bride into the fields of green to dance with you, to refresh you, to pour into you, so that you can pour out to many, fill yourself with me dance in fields of green, my beloved! For the hour you are in .. there is a great need for many. I impart to you, I bless those that come to me that lay down all their brokenness at my feet.  I long for you and look for you in our appointed times, and I long for you to rejoice in me hold not back, I desire for my bride collectively lay down those things that easily beset you. You must be filled to overflowing, to be in my fullness in the hour.  I have songs to give you. Melody words relevant  for your times. I will use you individually and collectively words of wisdom gifts of knowledge, gifts of healing working of miracles, discerning of spirits, prophecy, freely you have received freely give.

Enter the time I have already set aside for you, be filled there linger with me, my beloved in fields of green, your refreshing!   

Song of the Lord – by Deana Barnes. Sung by Crystal  Rain

Hosea 2:14

Raising up God’s army of evangelists demonstrating his power.

Mobil assemblies

Watch fires of a thousand circling camps

Wilderness tabernacle ls. All across this Nation. (America)

The tents, tents, not like before, smaller.  Many, many.





Lamp stand

Signature tents /color look / tent makers for this great evangelistic movement.  America went to the nations but now the nations are coming to us!

For a people who are hungry and thirsty.

Even those that came for another reason but God has another plan to pour out his spirit.

Battle Hymn of the republic.

Holy war. Elam, Elam. Elam

In your dreams see him! See the messiah. See him in your dreams.  Psychiatric warfare

Phycological war? I will show you a phycological



When the nations see your countenance the  countenance of the warrior king, and his eyes flames of  fire ..

Jesus: Are you not my royal priesthood my holy nation? A people among peoples? A nation among nations? An army among armies?

“Run with my name YAH! Psalm 68:4 KJV

South America

North America

Watch fires






Song of the Lord:

Let the nations run with your name, there is a banner and a holy flame! 

Holy  holy holy is the lord God 

We glorify you and your holy name

Set us on fire with your holy name,

We will burn for you  with holy flame,

Holy holy holy God, 

Yeshuah come.

Song of the Lord- By.

Deana Barnes  Crystal Sings.

Singing songs songs of the beloved, heard throughout the land in the secret place she abides in him in the midst of the storm in the mighty place of testing, songs of the beloved ..

There coming, the sent ones are coming in. Of the nations  with their visa’s to help, to evangelize.


Praying into tents

See fruit trees

berries and grapes

Land cultivating

His people are to have land and should be growing trees gardens

Husbandry of the Land.

Land is not for mowing. Respect for the land God is having us to multiply it and grow and build on it his way. Occupy until I come!

Jessica Shares living a peaceful and quiet life.  1 Thessalonians 4:11.

(Reference to this article of an encounter mom had having to do with the future God showed her within the above subject (wow must read) 👇

Singing songs songs of the beloved heard throughout the land in the secret place abiding in him, in the midst of the storm in the mighty place of testing, songs of the beloved

The song of the Lord sing again.


preach to every CREATURE! If that means AI then so be it. Preach the truth of God’s word to every creature. Word in Word out. Tell AI to be like a Berean and look it up. 😂


The mobile assembly. Small tents maybe only 30-50 capacity. Sturdy recognizable signature tents.  God’s MASH.  Watch fires.  ..


Walking Out of The Weeds of A Wounded Spirit

A child of God with a wounded spirit can get off track and into the weeds in kingdom relationships. This article describes how that can impact spiritual gatherings where we are needing to come together in unity and prayer.  However, a broken or wounded spirit can get us stuck in a rut that could last for years running out the clock on the things He has called us to do. Awareness of the warfare we are facing to get out of bad behaviors is the key. Carefully, and prayerfully, read the article for yourself or others you may know, there is a prayer for deliverance in the end. 

A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle. Proverbs 18:19.

A while back I had a dream hours before a morning prayer conference call, that came to pass in astounding detail during that call.  In the dream, I began to identify the first three digits of a number that had no name with it. As far as I know this was a first-time caller. I asked for their first name just to know who else was joining us that morning. I wanted everyone to engage in praying for one another, as well as together. I kept glancing over to the number on my console, in the dream, that had no name, and I had never seen it before. I felt compelled to greet the caller, but they would not answer me. I’ve had many people simply explain that they just wanted to call in and listen without participating, (and that would be fine) it has never been a problem before.  But this particular caller in the dream just wouldn’t answer at first, even though I called out a few digits of their phone number, and that sort of set off a red flag.  The pulsating digits might as well have been a neon sign blinking S.O.S. at me by then. In the scene not only did it hold my attention, but I felt the number seemed to swell out like a boil, and asking the person to engage with us was like compressing it.  I felt to pursue a response. Well, that scenario played out on our prayer call exactly how it did in the dream, hours later that morning. While it was probably an uncomfortable encounter for the person on the other end of the line, that I parked there and wasn’t going to move on until there was a response, the Lord sometimes allows occurrences that are uncomfortable (like this one) to get us out of our haze, that we don’t realize we are in. He’ll wink at these things for a season, but He will also step in and put His gaze upon us when we are about to go too far, and really wreck ourselves and others with toxic behavior. If we get rattled out of our funk it’s a good thing, but usually we need more convincing that the fortress of protection and the controls we put around ourselves are actually working against what God wants to do in our lives.  

We may not even realize it until we are in a new environment, where people are not present that know our rules of engagement, or participation, that those closest to us may have learned to comply to.

No one likes stepping into a hole in the lawn but if we know the yard well enough, we learn how to avoid the hole, and thereafter have an uneventful day. Until someone new steps into our space.  A child of God can be in a condition like this and yet still develop in the knowledge of God’s word, and their giftings and even be well admired in their environment. But will display unhealthy vibes outside of their comfort zone where others have not been preconditioned to roll with disfunction that has gone on too long. Sadly, the operating system that keeps us isolated works the hardest against us when we encounter members of the Body of Christ, that has what it takes to bring healing and deliverance to us. This is where that disfunction is most likely to manifest itself, because it is a demonic oppression that creates a cycle or pattern of circumstances using our controlling behavior, to keep us from the growth we so desperately need. Fueling awkward encounters, and misunderstandings, causing missed opportunities to connect because we ourselves are not being free in Christ and trusting in Him in those moments. We are making ourselves untouchable by body language and by controlling behavior.  We need to be whole people and we can be if we will trust the Lord and seek His healing to take us beyond ourselves in these matters. There are those that isolate because of their wounds who will never leave familiarity, and rarely will they chance new opportunities, to join believers in new places.  The more transparent we are asked to become the more painful it will be if we have allowed years to go by in our wounded condition. This is something that can plague one or many in one place. A person or an entire fellowship.

Strongholds and Fortresses

Exquisite and complex as they may be, as intellectually crafted they can become, fortresses of offense crumble in the power and presence of Jesus Christ when we encounter his Head and Body operating as one, in its proper functionalities. In other word’s things do not go our messed-up way, when we encounter the living God in gatherings absolutely yielded to Him. Which is a blessing because that means that what has been stealing from us for so long is put in check; and those wolves in sheep clothing, supposing that they can get away with it, will encounter the governance of God among His saints. While we may end up in spiritual surgery getting rid of malignancies in our own life, the Lord Himself is the surgeon. Who booked our encounter with Him. While we can begin to deeply examine ourselves even now under His ex-ray vision and do some self-deliverance, acting on revelation we may even see in this article, for example, complete healing will manifest when we can get back into the place that we can trust Him wherever He is present. Having this knowledge clears the path, knowing what to look at helps us identify ourselves in these scenarios. The bottom line is having peace and rest wherever He is, not fear, not turmoil, not controlling behaviors. Perfect love casteth out all fear. Love believes all things … Believe His love for you will help navigate you through uncharted waters, when you find yourself in an appointment that takes you into His Holy currents, where your feet no longer touch the ground- the activation of your faith comes when you still’

yourself in Him and just trust. You’ve prayed, you’ve fasted, you’ve waited on Him, your willingness to launch out in faith is all there is left to do.

Spiritual gifts help us navigate through layers of the heart.

 In several years of online meetings, I’ve had 3 dreams and many prophetic impressions where God revealed special circumstances that would call in, I’ve had this happen in other types of ministry where the Holy Spirit would reveal an unusual case we were about to encounter and prepare us for it. Or expose a wicked scheme or plot. I’ve never seen the Lord not do that. I just haven’t. We may have to suffer the consequences of another person’s evil thought, or stance, but the Lord exposes these things even when we have to walk it out knowing un-sanctified motives or betrayal is brewing.  These prophetic warnings are allowed for prayer to change the outcome of what the enemy was desiring to do by exploiting a heart issue, on how one chooses to handle aught. The accuser’s ultimate agenda is to spoil a work keeping people from having pivotal encounters in their life. I’ve seen beautiful momentum’s getting derailed by careless chatter, jealousy, and selfish ambition. People not fully equipped for their assignment, disengaging because of pride, dissensions, or gossip. Or never engaging at all for the same reason, a sent one is sent and words defile the field they were sent to plow, and the yield is far less than what it could have been because of an evil messenger, sent as a forerunner to defile the work. That is why prayer makes all the difference in the world.  But here we have this conundrum in the church: Preaching and teaching and equipping the saints on how to avoid the pitfalls of the enemy is not being taught in many of our gatherings, but rather that which is watered down milk not providing reserve oil for the long haul, it is not preparing God’s people to see or overcome the snares of the enemy. Nor is Kingdom Governance operating how it should in order to bring the mind of Christ in all our circumstances. Memes have replaced solid contextual instruction in the word of God and spiritual experiences are valued more than one’s personal relationship with Christ.  Teaching on how to properly deal with offences is absolutely needed in this age because we were warned that hearts would grow cold because of them in the last days. 

When our wounds become infected. 

 A wounded spirit that works hand in hand with the fear of rejection, to marginalize the individual under its power is an operating system that wasn’t created overnight. When it becomes a malignancy is when it takes on a life of its own and the person actually begins adopting behaviors that cause cycles and patterns of rejection because it has created a toxicity in their life, that they will need deliverance from, because evil spirits familiar with their profile influence their circumstances. One who would never dabble in witchcraft is practicing it unwittingly by operating in works of the flesh in the manipulation and control of their environment to be at ease. Love is not easily offended, so when love is the driving force in our lives, fear of rejection has no power. Because perfect love casts out fear. When the easily offended or fearful are under the control of that spirit they get stuck. Submitting ourselves to healing processes which include teaching ministry to help us navigate through these things is the way we get unstuck. For the entrance of God’s word brings light and sets us free. Being unteachable and prideful will lock us into a cycle of failure in every aspect of our growth until we are ready to lay it all down and learn of the Lord. However, there is a condition of hard pan soil (they call it out west) where water rolls off the top layer and never soaks into the ground. It just finds a gully to wash into and does nothing for the ground beneath it.  Our hearts can become like that hard pan dirt. We hear and hear until we are bored with it all, but it never truly soaks in. We never apply it to ourselves. We are ever hearing but never coming to the truth of the matter when it comes to our own soul, especially when we dismiss something we have heard before yet have never really taken that light of the word into ourselves, letting it examine us. 

When I first came to Christ, He sat me in a company of prophets for four years and I was surrounded by anointed teaching ministry for years after that. Everyone was older than I was, and I was the youngest of all my fellowship. Thank God I didn’t seek out a Christian peer group for myself to be entertained in that many young Christian believers are funneled into. He sets the single in families, is what the scripture says, not singles groups. In fact, many young people who have been a part of amazing youth camps and movements go on to college only to lose their faith and motivation later, because of the lack of root teaching and ministry that makes them unmovable in their resolve when storms come, and the leaves of hype are blown away. Where the youth leader is no longer in their lives, and they are surrounded by indifference in a world not responsive to Christ.  Being in a company of elders fulfilling the great commission surrounded by the five-fold ministry, I was privileged at a young age in being equipped to do what I had seen and heard with my own eyes. I saw the depth of deception we can deceive ourselves with, in the various healing encounters people experienced that included deliverance, before that in 1980 I went through deliverance myself two years after I was saved, and several weeks after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Spirit filled teaching ministry of various individuals and prophet teachers, was a wealth of treasure that would equip me to go through the things I would later experience in my life.  Without that firm foundation I know I would not have endured this long in my calling.  I recognized and pulled from the anointings God put in my life.

Not all assemblies have anointed teachers where the Holy Spirit reveals the hearts of the people and instructs them in knowledge on how to walk out their faith, and overcome the deep seeded issues that people have. Or gatherings for prayer and ministry that will address those issues.  

Life challenges and disappointments don’t stop when we get saved, if anything life becomes more amplified in circumstances because our enemy (the enemies of Christ) hate us. So, learning skills to overcome these challenges will keep us growing in the Lord.  The longer our faith has been developed in the wild, away from the anointings that He has set in the Body of Christ, the more likely we will have abrupt encounters designed to shore up other mindsets or thought patterns gone too far for too long. We will either allow His anointing in those areas to reset us, or we will end up cycling through some hard places in our attitude or error in order to prepare us for another encounter, with a merciful savior that doesn’t give up on us.  However, TODAY IS THE DAY FOR SALVATION time will eventually fail us, Jesus said. “He that has ears hear what the Spirit says to the Churches”. In the bible we hear this phrase: “They were cut to the heart by the things they heard”.  Often rebellion in areas of our own lives can cause words to cut us to the heart, where we need a ‘circumcision of the heart’ to go on. When we allow God’s word to reach in and touch the untouchable thing, that is the beginning of healing. I remember in early stages of ministry years ago that I received an article from a well-known teacher of the gospel that taught on unforgiveness. I was really not that interested in this teacher, and I was well aware of how serious holding aught against others were, and thought I was clear of it. I distinctly remembered thinking, that I knew all about un forgiveness and thought it would just be hashing through something I have taught others on myself.  Yet, the Holy Spirit kept bringing it up in front of me, and I finally read the article. Well, that article in this ministry magazine put me on my face before the Lord, and I have yet to be moved by a teaching on forgiveness as I was that day, thinking I already had what I needed. The likelihood that I would still be in the race with the joy I have now, after all these years had I not had that encounter with God and that article is absolute zero.

A one trick pony.

A lot of assemblies have one calling in their arsenal they have a great preacher who preaches on the good news of Jesus Christ. Truth be told in a lot of assemblies the top minister is really an evangelist.  Who preaches sermon after sermon on our need for salvation a hundred different ways a thousand times. That is not teaching ministry. It’s the gospel message that needs to go out from behind the pulpit, for that is where it needs heard the most, and if it is contained indoors then let there be a congregation full of Phillips that will learn it well enough to take it to the world! The great commission is to go into all the world and preach the gospel, that is where that message belongs. The good news of Jesus Christ. As for the church God has set some in it to be apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers, for the equipping of the saints, for the work of the ministry to learn Christ and His ministries. In another place in order of importance, teachers are in third place, 1 Corinthians 12:28. Most apostles and prophets have a teacher’s anointing upon them. Teachers can be prophetic and apostolic meaning they are sent in their teaching ministry to newly established apostolic works, coming in after the foundational anointings have established government, yet they are not necessarily apostles or prophets. Their deep dive into God’s word is used to anchor us in our faith and is instrumental in bringing stability and unity into the Body of Christ in newfound works.  The Holy Spirit is our teacher and confirms Christ manifested in human vessels that minister to us.

So back to the dream and the online meeting. 

Like I said I had the dream, but now I’m really having this call, they spoke to me after an awkward silence, realizing I was waiting for an answer and not moving on. I was let known (in no uncertain terms) that they were going to remain anonymous, and I was instructed to call them of a pseudo name, because they were not going to identify themselves, all I wanted was a first name anyway or user handle, I was given a category to call them, and said that God told them to come on the call and not participate, and their manner about the whole thing was quite militant and controlling. I was also instructed on how I should give them a word, if I were to have one for them. And it all struck me as odd. But what really got me was that this scene was playing out exactly like the dream I had the night before. You see that dream had in it a word of knowledge and a word of wisdom on how to handle the call, and information to discern what I was dealing with. Closing in on 7 years we’ve been doing this, we’ve had lovely people cycle through and I was amazed when I recently looked at the meeting records and saw the list of people we’ve had over the years in these relatively small meetings, people with great need for prayer support, in those specific times in their lives, healing requests that were so dire that the positive outcomes were nothing short of miraculous, when God stepped in and turned things around. We’ve had deliverances, healings, and many answered prayers online, at the same time we prayed through weeks if not months of all of us just having to believe God and wait on Him for answers, for different challenges in our lives. Not to mention our continuous prayer for this nation, and Christians all over the world. Providentially, this outreach was up and ready to go at the onslaught of the pandemic, where we prayed for many in the community of Christ in life and death struggles, from covid and other complications following the pandemic.

In the dream the Lord revealed to me that I was speaking to someone who had (at one time in their life) hopes and dreams that were dashed by the indifference, dominance, and cruelty, of a religious political spirit. 

This evil operation has hollowed out many faithful and dedicated servants of the Lord, in times past. Especially, those that have a gift and calling of God on their life. It has caused a lot of people to raise up a wall of protection, to keep themselves safe. Because as Joseph, it was that coat of many colors that caused an unusual amount of push back, and rejection, for the caller and those alike. This, over the years, has caused many to become sore, wounded, and weary, causing many to carry a spirit of the fear of rejection on them, into situations that are an opportunity not a threat, this is something no one is immune to, and everyone needs the tools to manage. It is sometimes lack of teaching on how to operate in our giftings that can put us in situations that cause hurt, because every gift has a learning curve that the body of Christ should be in the position to demonstrate to new generation believers, but often does not. Regardless, a wounded individual creates a defense mechanism that may cause them to become controlling over circumstances in order not to be a victim again.  In so much that when they do venture out into the unknown, they feel like they need to lay down the law, and control every aspect of those engagements, even when they are Holy Ghost encounters. To the point that God Himself and the power of His Holy Spirit is kept at bay and consequently limited on how He wants to work their life, even to bring deliverance. God wants us to have faith. He wants us to come out and stand back up, in the liberty where with He has made us free and entangle ourselves not again in the yolk of bondage! The Lord wants us to know He never sanctioned His beloved to be in a place that caused so much harm. But we see our brothers and sisters in Christ, in rigid legalistic meetings, so we naturally believe that it is somewhere we should be also.

Many became convinced that what they see is how it’s all supposed to be done, and want so much to be accepted by the church, in order to be worthy to be used by God through venues they have to offer, but instead find out, soon enough, try as they might, they are not let in. 

A religious political spirit never qualifies anything that exposes its existence. Therefore, pure giftings from a pure source that keeps itself out of church politics and doesn’t jump through all the hoops it takes to be seen and heard is actually feared by an operating system that has the people under its control. Those often marginalized in that setting are usually the ones sent there with a word from Jesus Christ, in regard to their lamp stands, these know there is a price to obey, and they understand that comes with the call of God on their life. Being seasoned in the gifts of the Holy Spirit is something every elder (who is truly an elder) should be able to demonstrate. God’s instrument will joyfully endure rejection being honored to suffer for the gospel’s sake and will shake the dust off their feet so that they will not carry any residue of that rejection into the next place they are called to go. To freely love and give again. Proper equipping endures these afflictions with patience and love. Knowing there is nothing we can do to keep others from misjudging us or opposing us if they are so inclined to do so.  But what is left of those churches that still belong to the Lord is a revolving door of fleeced and battered sheep that eventually cannot stomach one more service if they truly have a heart for liberty in Christ.  It is much like the Pharisees of Christ’s time on this earth. They persecuted Jesus to the point that they handed Him over to the Romans to be crucified. That same spirit of betrayal is in the world today! The anti -Christ spirit is against, and wants to be in the  stead of” Christ, to His followers. Jesus said that spirit was present then and is in the world even now. He warned us of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is a spreading ingredient that is like a cancer in the body of Christ that is “against the anointed one” or wants to be in His place, and that can mean His ‘anointing’ in us as well, being that we are His followers. Sadly, this has happened to those who were looking for Him only to become entangled by a religious counterfeit. I’ve heard the Lord (many times) say to those receiving healing in this area, “I’m sorry, that wasn’t me that did that to you.” Many times, things are suffered not because of God, but because of man, Jesus warned us to beware of it in Mathew 23. Because we have a tendency to put too much on the outward appearance of what we think Christianity should look like, we forget to garment ourselves with humility, and put more value on the inward man.

What Then Shall We Do? 

Regardless, as to why we submit ourselves to works born of the flesh, towering in the sky in what looks like ecclesiastical success, we should remember the biblical words speaking prophetically, a messianic line, “I was wounded in the House of my Friends.” Many people have been wounded deeply and have found it almost impossible to step out in faith and trust again. Sometimes those wounds are self-inflicted by our own ambitions, or an unsanctified quest to excel, in places where we decide to compete, rather than just sit and learn in our season of learning. No matter how we got our wounds, the father wants an army that is able to live again, love again, and be again, ALIVE! To lie down and rest in Him, and find our pasture, and freely graze among the flock.

So, rise up, be brave, and do the works you did at first. Go back to your first love. Go find your family in Christ and sit at the Lord’s table, break bread, drink the cup of communion! Minister to the Lord. Meet new people. We cannot do that until we really let him get into our pain, heal the wounds, and remove the soulish prickly armor we wrap ourselves in to keep safe.

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind.”  2 Tim 1:7

Soulish armor is not the Armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18 Righteousness, Truth, Salvation, Faith, Peace, and the Word of God, is what we are armed with in the light of His glory.  This enables us to run into the battle with fearlessness. To be loving, engaging, and open. Let the ministry of Jesus Christ wash out your wounds and heal those scars. To be renewed in Him! This new life enables us to fear no more and freely love, because we understand that Jesus Christ has not rejected His Church but has chosen Her! He suffered at the hands of His own people, that were supposed to receive Him. He was received by those that had no power to protect Him, that could do nothing for Him. But He brought salvation, healing, and deliverance, to all who would accept Him. We need to go back to what it means to be followers of Christ and join with the beloved. Come back bolder full of grace- love and fearless resolve, to endure to the end. Of course, we need to be always wearing our armor, but that is designed to make us more brave, more engaging, free-er. It’s not like soulish armor.

Fences, Fortresses and Facades.

Soulish armor, we hide behind. People that operate behind a wall of defense are just like the offended one in proverbs. Who use soulish armor as a wall between them and the family of God He’s trying to connect them with. Rather than stepping out from behind our walls and having an open and loving demeanor, that is confident in the Lord’s protection, the individual not perfected in love will be cautious and timid and will let everybody know over and over again (mostly by their body language) that they are not going to engage. In the case of this dream that unfolded in a real-life encounter the child of God cloaked their fear and apprehension to join the rest by making the excuse that God told them to be aloof and unfriendly and to put everyone on notice in regard to the terms of engagement with them.  Of course, these were not their exact words, but they were the result of what this one was trying to accomplish in that group. This kind of disengaging and isolating behavior that always seems to be enabling aloofness or meted-out interactions with others, is often attributed to the leading of the Holy Spirit, by those who are misusing His protective nature. This is something that is not that rare of an occurrence, it actually seems to be an operating system which is common in the spirit filled camp of believers. Yes, the Holy Spirit is our closest friend, but He will not lie for us. When He has had enough of words being put in His mouth, He will call out this disfunction before it becomes a door for spirits of falsehood to take control of an individual’s life and defile them. You see this thing is common, I’ve seen it many times. There is always someone in a large enough meeting that is very rigid, but yet gifted, and makes sure the room knows that they will not participate until they hear from God, so they disengage until they have the floor on their terms. The Holy Spirit leading is something we all need to have in our life, but we also need to understand how to participate as a unit, where self-awareness concedes to the Spirit of the Lord and we yield to Christ’s Headship, that will use us collectively- as one. Stepping into the gathering rather than one who prefers to stand alone. Using the Holy Spirit as an excuse to isolate in a gathering like that is contrary to His nature who desires to bring unity. It’s better to just say that you are not ready to engage in the meeting.  Never use the Holy Spirit as an excuse for your disfunction. Just be honest. It’s better to explain that you’re trying to hear from the Lord and may need more instruction to learn how to participate. “Can I just watch and listen since I am new?”

Jesus said if you are asked to walk a mile, walk with them two. If the body of Christ is engaging with you, truly seek Him with an open heart, treat His people as you would treat Him! Because He said if we reject our brothers and sisters, we are rejecting Him.

Often, the case is that the person hiding behind walls of defense usually has profound giftings, a robust prayer life, and spiritual insight that is admired. However, there has been a wound and it usually has been because of being rejected over the gift and the call of God on that person.  Possibly experiencing much rejection and years of spiritual battery from an anti-Christ spirit or stronghold that rules as the prince of the power of the air in their region. This means that the individual could have been vexed by this spirit day and night by people around them, who know not what they do. Usually, it is something that they have experienced a few times too many. It depends on that person’s sphere of influence and position that reveals their battle. If one would like to understand the degree of warfare, they are dealing with, one would only need to understand their scope and burden of prayer. To that level, to that degree, we are often buffeted by the enemy. Because an individual in that situation knows that it’s not anything that they have done that has warranted that kind of push back, and because they walk in a level of holiness; however, it is still because of lack of knowledge or the availability of Godly counsel that forces them to develop a coping mechanism that becomes toxic. No one can judge another’s battle because our own battles can be a cake walk to some of these suffering in their fox hole. 

When an individual who has influence has allowed their wounded spirit and the spirit of rejection to employ an operating system of its own, that is designed to keep them confined in their own corner, away from ministry that would bring them freedom, they have then become willing participants of their own coping mechanism they have sanctioned, because it protects them.

The less they move about the less they encounter new opportunities to be rejected. When they do brave a gathering of new people their controlling behaviors manifest. Unfortunately, when we involve Holy Spirit in a falsehood such as this that could negatively impact those around us using Him as an excuse to be unfriendly, disengaging, aloof, and unloving, then we have gone too far in our anointing the wrong way, and there in is where the push back becomes more and more predominate, more and more public; if we do not see the error in our behavior that is actually a manifestation of pridefulness and is indulgent. Elaborately gifted and broadly admired individuals have made themselves untouchable, in this way. The Lord will protect the integrity of His Holy Spirit. While it is entirely acceptable to tell people that you are uncomfortable, or you’re trying to test the waters and would like to just observe, it is dishonest to interject the Holy Spirit in that scenario as His leading because that is not His character. He is at home with the saints of God, whether we are or not. It is perfectly natural for anyone to be shy and unsure when meeting new people or being in a new environment. Attributing disengagement and disunity to the leading of the Holy Spirit, is dishonest in that case. God is on the throne, and in the rare occurrence that we are to withdraw, or not to assemble, He is faithful to let us know when and why. It is the exception not the rule. While we feel it projects an air of spirituality to say He is giving us these instructions to disengage and be aloof, my question is why would the Lord promote disfunction in the assembly like that? Because that is what that does.

See the dove? See the dove loosed from her cage? Be like the dove fly, be free!

 Stand fast therefore in the liberty where with Christ has made you free and entangle yourself not again in the yoke of bondage! When we are perfected in love, fear has no power over us. Perfect love casts out fear, that in exchange gives room to the loving and gracious manifestations of the Holy Spirit. We can love while being very much unloved. Unliked, and unappreciated. When we know we are the apple of our Father’s eye, other people’s conflict with us can be worked out, not hidden from. If that is even the case. A lot of how we see things have to do with what lens we are looking at the world with. We need healing in order to live again and not see the world as if we ourselves are a victim. Then misunderstandings are not pocketed away and left unspoken, we can be open hearted seeking to understand things we don’t, by asking honest questions without being afraid, know the truth is spoken in love!  

The spiritual gift of discernment’s misuse!

Discernment, and the gift of discernment, is an extra layer of protection and I will tell you what it is not. First of all, the bearer of that enablement of God has no fear of anything unlovely bad or ugly that may pull up on its monitors. When I see someone disengaging and closing themselves off with the explanations that they are discerning a bad spirit, or they are discerning spirits. I say that I don’t see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in that response. Unless the person with this gift of discernment is very immature and needs to grow in the Lord, otherwise I would say you are very intuitive, and picking things up in your human spirit, that you don’t know what to do with. And that’s alright it’s a coping mechanism, it is a thing that was developed out of trauma, to keep you from being wounded again, but if it is not sanctified, it can be the devil’s tool to isolate you in your life and keep you from others in the body of Christ, or only those you are comfortable with. When it is announced as the God given gift of discernment, then that is unfortunate. Because, people can be led astray by soulish superpowers, not given over to God. We’ve got to lay down these heavy coats of fear, and pride. Die to our self once and for all. Put on Joy, put on peace, put on love. Put off fear, superstition, and suspicion. Trust Jesus when He said, if they hated me, they would hate you also! You can’t take it personal it comes with the territory.

Be reachable and teachable. Love again, live again, be again, Alive!

In the late 90’s after a life altering set of circumstances changed everything in our family’s world there was a subtle shift that took place in me that took me a while to notice, while I was in a new state (headlong into a new career that required lengthy hours and a greater level of responsibility) I used that as an excuse to step back and reboot spiritually in my life, but in doing so, I neglected to notice the effort a new found sister in the Lord was making in order to fellowship with me. Turning down several invitations to join her prayer group, and special meetings she had in her home. Until, one day after making another attempt to reach out to me, and me again saying no, she teared up and said, “I’m just trying to find a way to establish a friendship with you, I’m sorry, I won’t ask again.” When I reflected on that conversation that evening and the days after, I spoke to my husband about it and deeply regretted the many times we both had turned down invitations in that season in our life to meet with others and get to know people in our new town. We decided to always say yes to hospitality. To never again turn down a reasonable invitation to get to know people, that were trying to get to know us. We had always been the ones to invite others to our home, even live with us over the years, opening our homes to prayer meetings, youth meetings, bible studies, gatherings of various types. But, now that things had changed for us so abruptly and we were in a different place in our lives, we needed to be just as open the other way around. Not everything is going to be in our court in life. Sometimes we have to trust the motives and care of others who make room in their busy lives to invite us in. Or, who makes an effort to send us an invitation. I often wonder to this day what it would have been like for me had I accepted this new sister’s invitation to join her house meetings. Who would I have met, what would life had been for us had we let more into our lives at that time? We will never know, I’m glad we made the conscious effort to change that. We were immediately tested on our resolve to except invitations when they came, but I’m glad it broke the desire to ‘isolate’ off of us. You see, when we are the recipient of an invitation, especially from the family of God, it is no different than a blood relation reaching out to us to spend time with them. The difference is that the Holy Spirit is seeking unity among the Body of Christ, and His doing so has a purpose and plan in it that connects us to greater opportunities and growth in our life. See The Connector Anointing.

Philippians 3:13-21

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!

A man who isolates himself seeks his own desires and rages against sound wisdom. Proverbs 18:1

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I see myself in many parts of this article and I want to get out of the weeds of living with a wounded spirit. I release to you all the pain of my past and all the misunderstandings, and spiritual abuse, that I have been subjected to, along with the persecution and pushback from broken people that have not understood my walk in you. Holy Spirit come in and wash out all the encounters that were rude, demeaning, and unloving, that I have suffered; the rejections and the betrayals that have marked me in my life in ways I may not even know. I do now bring to you those that come to mind that I need to forgive, and I do so as an act of obedience because I want to please you. I let go and cling to you and your leading in my life. I put my trust in you, to live again, love again, and be again- alive! Renew an upright spirit with in me. I repent of ever using you as the reason to disengage with others when that was not the case.  I ask you to shed your love abroad in my heart that I would love past my own fears, and lay down spiritual pride, because the prideful and cowardly cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. I renounce all evil spirits that have had a foothold in my life because of these things. Spirits of rejection that influence behaviors that invite rejection I renounce, familiar spirits I cast out working with the spirit of rejection and all demonic influences, go! I am a child of God. Wounded spirit come out, by His stripes I am healed. I decree according to His word He bore my griefs and sorrows, he was wounded by my transgressions, bruised by my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him, and by his stripes I am healed, according to Isaiah 53. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer. May the angels that minister to the heirs of salvation enforce the commands I have commanded this day, that all demonic influences regarding these matters are forever removed from me, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Cycling Root Systems, Stop!

That I Understand Mysteries

NeWine Pouring was one of the few Christian dream interpretation websites for quite some time when we first launched 16 years ago. Supporting an emphasis on seeking the Father rather than knowing and memorizing symbolism to unravel the mystery, of prophetic dreams. For the longest time my article called: What Windows Mean in Dreams, was on the top of the index for searches seeking out biblical symbolism. Hundreds of thousands of dreamers searching for answers to their window dreams, and other dream scenarios visited’s dream journal website, that was birthed out of an open eye vision in 2007. Eventually, the internet became inundated with the subject of dream interpretation both secular and Christian alike.

While I’m glad that the Body of Christ is filling up the vacuum of void left wide open on this subject for such a long time, still advocates engaging the Holy Spirit first, rather than relying solely upon the knowledge of symbolism, that some Christian sites seem to do. Isaiah 8:19 admonishes the believer to seek out the living God for answers rather than wizards that peep and mutter. I think the same can be said for a deck of symbol cards and brochures that are not leading people directly to the one who created dreams in the first place. I believe the whole point of receiving a coded mystery from our creator, is to compel us into a search that opens dialogues with Him. All our dreamers in the Bible engaged with God regarding their dreams whether they were of His people or not, even if they needed compelled to do so, through one who knew the living God. Whether He was the first they sought out or not, He was the source to go to when all was said and done.  Another reason why not to become a symbolism expert (even though we do cover symbolism which has merit, on the website) is to not neglect the opportunity dreams and visions give us to seek the Lord or take the motivation from others to do so. Because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth that is there to help us to thoroughly process prophetic encounters like wheat is processed on the threshing floor. Which is the whole point of it all, where the gifts to interpret are given. Regardless, if it takes fasting and prayer or an overnight dream of your own to obtain understanding, (which I have experienced) or a split-second revelation, all of it is Holy Spirit dependent if it is a dream from God. 

Outside of the Father, in understanding parallels and prophetic paradigms, how is reading symbolism anymore different than reading tea leaves or omens? The spirit of prophecy is the revelation of Jesus Christ. He is the living Word and therefor interpretation is alive and revelatory, that comes from within a spirit filled believer. Not from without.

John 7: 28  In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spoke he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive, for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)

Daniel in the book of Daniel and Joseph in Genesis 39-40 are examples of those in relationship with the Father in regard to understanding dreams and visions, not to mention the apostles and prophets in the book of Acts.

A symbolism known that fits in the mystery will bear witness with the interpreter as they are interpreting the dream. Interpreting dreams generates out of the gift of wisdom, the word of knowledge, and the gift of prophecy. These are gifts of the Spirit operating through Spirit filled believers when mysteries are presented to us or spoken to us in the language of our dreams. That language can be so specific to us that general knowledge of dream symbolism won’t have any value. People attempt to interpret dreams outside of Christ and while it may ring a bell of truth, the fact that it is not done by an enablement of the Spirit, voids its legitimate purpose by redirecting or rerouting people away from the Father. Believers, who come out of a culture steeped in tradition who use symbolism out of superstition or new age resources are in danger of entertaining familiar spirits, and the spirit of divination. I’ve had more than a few instances where I heard a dream interpretation that didn’t bear witness with me and each time, I found that the interpreter, though a Christian, was relying upon learned superstitions or memorized symbolisms. Many believers regarding signs and omens and interpreting dreams (by use of symbolism alone) have opened themselves up to familiar spirits. Those well versed in that find it hard to lay it down; however, to continue operating in that spirit is a work of the flesh called witchcraft.

Roman’s 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

The mysteries of God, in dreams, visions, tongues, and prophetic signs, or symbolism, need unwrapped from their mystery by the gift of wisdom and interpretation that God gives His servants.

Anyone has the capacity to dream a dream, the lost and saved alike. That is not exceptional. Dreams are like the husk that carries the grain of  wheat. The husk is not what is extraordinary. What is extraordinary is the skill and wisdom it takes to remove the kernel of grain from the husk, that separates the chaff from the wheat. This is what the Spirit of the Lord is referring to in Jeremiah 23 where He calls the kernel (come from the husk) the oracle of God. The thresher who threshes, rightly dividing the word of truth, and the winnower that winnows through the raw material for the hidden grain, does so out of the craftsmanship of God,  only comes from a relationship with Him. What they are doing is extracting the ingredients that bring us bread. Yeshuah is the bread of life. The hidden manna. The Body of Christ is the only authority on earth that has the ability and enablement to rightly divide the word of God, to break the bread of life and feed it to the nations.

God speaks to mankind in parables. The Church unfolds those mysteries in plain speech because the Revelation of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy. In other words it will testify of Him. The Church is called by God to make known to the world the manifold grace of God by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Who leads and guides us into all truth. Ephesians 4

Daniel 2:28 …
However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days. This was your dream and the visions in your mind while on your bed …

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

Jeremiah 23:23-29 

“Am I a God near at hand,” says the Lord,
“And not a God afar off?
Can anyone hide himself in secret places,
So I shall not see him?” says the Lord;
“Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord.

“I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy lies in My name, saying, ‘I have dreamed, I have dreamed!’ How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Indeed they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who try to make My people forget My name by their dreams which everyone tells his neighbor, as their fathers forgot My name for Baal.

“The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream;
And he who has My word, let him speak My word faithfully.
What is the chaff to the wheat?” says the Lord.
“Is not My word like a fire?” says the Lord,
“And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?

Joel 2:28-31

“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: 
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.
For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance,
As the Lord has said,
Among the remnant whom the Lord calls.


Five Long Guns, Dream

It’s a pleasant evening in this small town, there’s about eight of us standing around talking. We just had dinner at the restaurant on the corner. The sun dipped behind the western horizon, as we talked, leaving a scarlet laced cloud lit with the remnants of the day.  While the others were chatting, I looked up at the top of the courthouse. Nothing un usual there, just five locals with their long guns keeping watch. Apparently, this was such a normal and welcomed thing to see, that in the dream I barely took note of it. I saw in the far distance north of them, the silhouette of a helicopter had flew by low. How strange it is that life goes on, commerce is still finding its way to thrive, people are still going to work. But, now locals are taking their turn to watch the down town. I then heard the sound of a small cargo plane trying to gain altitude, I looked from where it was coming from and saw the silhouette of that craft moving in front and over the men on the roof, coming up from below the ridge the town was settled on going west to east, rising from a canyon while dipping its wing to the north.  All of a sudden the guardsmen began to walk over to the building facing the sunset. They spread out and then their guns went up! I tried to see what they were looking at, there was still the sound of the plane but something else was coming up behind it, I couldn’t quit see.  Finally, I realized what it was coming  towards us, and it was more than what any one could ever bargain for. A dream called Five Long Guns. When listening to this podcast ask yourself: Why townsmen? Where’s the national guard? Where is law enforcement? Could it be they are all gone fighting elsewhere? Two more dreams are mentioned in this podcast. In 2008 and 2012 I accurately shared the outcomes of the Obama era elections and events from dreams the Lord gave me both times, I gave the 2016 warning about the borders  in the America’s Home Invasion Prophecy, that began in a series of dreams in 2007,  culminating into the open eye vision of February 2016. In the most recent revelation that has come to pass from a Trump dream is the 3rd party candidate who could split the vote in the 2024 Elections. This turned out to be RFK Jr.

Join this ministry in the fervent and demonstrative prayers for this nation and the call to evangelize our border crossers. The world is at our fingertips, American Christians, it is all in your hands. The enemy wanted you to despise prophecy in the let down of prophetic words spoken about Donald Trump. True watchmen are sounding their cry, and few it seems are listening. It’s getting harder to find people willing to pray. For many watchman who truly see, the wall is becoming lonely.  I’m asking you to listen and let the Holy Spirit lead you, ask him where your post is, where God  has called you to stand, what God is telling you to do, and stick with it. Don’t wander away, it will become more and more difficult, but if you remain in His obedience in secret He will reward you openly. Even though the honor is not in reward but how many lives and lost souls your obedience may save, for His Glory. Help us spread this word for prayer and intercession.  Jesus Christ is King.

America’s Trouble, Dreams 1982-89 Subscribe Below.

Mike Bickle of IHOP Dream

Mike Bickle of IHOP Dream 9/30/23 Deana Barnes 

The dream was actually like a pleasant story as it turned out.  But you know it was like the scripture in the Bible where it says that the angel gave him a scroll to eat and he ate it and it was good as honey but when it got into his belly it became bitter as gall. It was because I could feel the hurt and the pain out of the offense of a son of the house and the dilemma that it caused in the Mike Bickle family. When I woke up the deep hurt and bitter event this caused was still with me, and I needed to pray. 

 If you know my ministry, you know that I am a prophetic dreamer. That I have a dream journal website that was launched in 2007 that includes dreams, visions, and prophetic encounters, spanning over 45 years. That has gone to over 194 countries, territories, and provinces, all over the world.  That I have documented dreams of presidential elections and the details of their presidency in world events, that have come to pass.  I can see (from what I saw in this dream) how a perfect storm of circumstances can create a scenario that could lead to the crisis that IHOP is now facing. 

The dream was that a son like the age of a grandson the 18 through 25 age, was living in a home that belonged to the Mike Bickle Family. Because he had a place in the ministry- and remember this is a dream so there are parallels and symbolism in it. So, the house that he was living in could represent a position, department, or a supported affiliate. He was occupying this real estate that was entrusted to him, but he had an attitude or a posture, that I observed in the dream, his heart was distant from the family, he had a grudge, and I began to know the background behind all that he was feeling. 

I knew that he had felt deeply misunderstood and he was greatly hurt by that misunderstanding, but he was too young in the Lord when it happened to process through it. He didn’t have the tools to overcome this offense. It was hurtful to him and so it progressed. That offense became a grudge that took on a life of its own. Causing him to find commonality with others that were loosely related to IHOP but seemed to find fellowship in that common bond. Until a visitor showed up in the home of this young man. Who was a teacher of the ministry of reconciliation, in this place under the siege of an offense. It seemed from the vantage point of the Bickle family they see the disfunction but don’t understand why it’s there and what to do. They are wanting this young son to make a decision or move on, because the situation has become exhausting.

 Proverbs 18:19   A brother offended is harder to win than a strong cityand contentions are like the bars of a castle.

 What does that mean? It means it is impossible to get through to them until they are ready. Sometimes all you can do is pray in situations like this because an offended person will only be approachable when they decide to be. Especially, when you try to resolve a matter and they continue to tell you that everything is fine and that nothing is wrong.  In a situation like that it takes prayer and the intervention of the Holy Spirit to get things moving forward. God will show us what we need to do and what we need to say. 

I had this dream September 30th, 2023, about IHOP and Mike Bickle that I’ve been agonizing over to the point that two Sundays ago I actually called the office to share the dream. I’m not an insider I am not a follower of the ministry, I’ve never been there. I woke up from that dream feeling the offense and deep hurt from the pain I saw in the dream in my gut and groaned over it in prayer.  I realized how big the ministry was by making that call. It was useless to try again. But this dream is a sign and a proverb now for those near and far to look deeper into the undercurrent of heart matters in the Church.

I’ll say right now I saw no guile in this man MB in that dream. However, I did see how in the right circumstances with the influence of the enemy, strongholds can flourish beneath the surface, manipulating the behavior of otherwise good people, while using the wit and craftiness of others who are bent on evil. And the key word here is ‘bent’. 

In the dream I saw a sector, part, affiliate, department, or type of real estate belonging to the Bickle family under siege, held up by a demonic operating system that moved in through a misunderstanding that became an offense. This operating system materialized through a loosely related group- but the door of access to stall a thing that should have been developing, came through a main actor who was this young son of the house not equipped to handle the assault against his mind, when it happened. Who (for a long time) sort of occupied important space, because it seems that there is a place for him, like a son.

Yet offense was spoiling what could have been.  Rather he was exhibiting a spirit of entitlement and was demonstrating a passive aggressive obstinance towards things he should have been doing. It seems that offense entered through a gap in his armor called immaturity. That came through a mindset of how he thought things should be and I’m not entirely sure the original misunderstanding was not about church policy or the like.  He had attracted companions revolving around this grudge.

In the dream one of those “friendships” had a Jeep with no cover on top she took him for rides in it. She was reckless and her utility drive was a Renegade. The word renegade means:

a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another 2 : an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior.

I can’t overlook the common joke I’m ever aware of when I see the word  J E E P which is  Just Empty Every Pocket. This is a waster spirit and is the end result of an unresolved grudge, that leads to the back sliding of many when bitter root meets offense.  I believe this woman in a Renegade Jeep was a demonic operative called: Division, Strife, and Every Evil Work. The gateway for a Christian to ally themself with that operating system is unresolved misunderstandings gone undetected and unattended, where others harboring like feelings begin to rally over a grudge. This is the bridge way to creating a split or rift, in a church or ministry.

It has a demonic intelligence that keeps it going spreading like leaven in a lump of dough and can do so subtly for many years, until that SYSTEMIC operative begins a SYSTEMATIC take down, when all the right conditions emerge. Dominating in a body of believers that neglects to practice and teach about being open, honest, and humble, about misunderstandings, and offenses.

While there may have been a robust attempt to dissolve issues like that, the paradigm or model of the ministry may work against familial intimacy that breeds a culture of estrangement’s unspoken-of going unresolved. Obviously, something to that effect has been brewing among the ranks. I believe all this will work for the glory of God, as one tent is taken down and folded up a new version of it is reinstated. Be it the man or ministry.

The body of Christ working out disagreements among one another by the leading of the Holy Spirit, is fundamental and elementary. As soon as one is saved and becomes part of a congregation one should learn how to process through misunderstandings, and every fellowship should have a mechanism in place to normalize discussion over conflict.

For a new Christian conflict is inevitable because their thinking is coming out of the world system, and must be renewed. Teaching children how to express themselves is a part of parenting.  New believers who are given the tools on how not to harbor misunderstanding or offense, will less likely back slide because these things are the number one reason why people fall away.  The importance of forgiveness, and the need to approach one another with honesty, and humility, by first seeking the help of the Holy Spirit in engaging others, is paramount in difficult conversations. To instill in them that outward and open disagreements are far more acceptable than contrived and feigned uniformity wrapped in false humility.

The common thing about family members is, they are so close that they can disagree or protest about something off the cuff and work through it and then forget about it and move on. A Christian family learns to do that without demeaning one another if they are properly taught. Relationship, love, affection, and commitment, creates that kind of ease among the family of God. Not an institution where the body is characterized as a corporation with departments and various platforms that create an observer/performer, audience/stage dynamic. Where there is no ebb for the body of Christ to just be, to interact, to get to know each other, to play, engage, and have fun.

In the dream the counselor who I would say was the gift ministry of the Holy Spirit, the teacher’s mantle, was counseling in the word of reconciliation, she entered into this young son’s space (real estate belonging to the Mike Bickle family) that he was occupying.  Again this could be a department, position, or supported affiliate.

The counselor entered into his home that he was tying up,  she was a teacher of the ministry of reconciliation. She became his companion. She talked to him and taught him for a long time. Laying precept upon precept down, reaching into the layered issues of this young man’s soul. Who could dually represent a hard-to-reach generation, wounded by fatherlessness in this age, as well.

The young son had to choose between the two women, the one who was a product of the spirit of this age a reckless renegade where there is division strife and every evil work. This would just exhaust this young man and his life, if he didn’t choose to embrace the teacher of the ministry of reconciliation. She even taught him how to approach MB to apologize for behaving wrong out of a grudge. She provided teaching tools to approach long standing issues, to humbly go over the misunderstanding.  MB and his wife were sort of worn out by it all and really just wanted to move on.

That lead to a second part in the dream.  Challenging MB and his wife to move forward with forgiveness with a son of the house (or sons) that he would rather they would just move on and vacate the trust because this real estate was handed over with the intent that the arrangement, would produce dividends, fruit, rent, or some kind of return. However, MB gave him another chance to prove his sincerity in this: “You are going to have to show me,” was MB’s response. 

So immediately they began to work together on a project in MB’s back yard, an event that is home based. This project was more personal to the family of IHOP I believe. They were in preparation for more intimate gatherings that ministered to the core family and the young man occupying whatever all of this represents was a part of that. To me this is a conscious decision to cultivate the very thing that restored this son, back to the father’s house. But while they were on that project that renegade J E E P pulled up in front of the house, and the young son was told the girl wanted to take him for a ride. But this time the counselor teacher of the ministry of reconciliation went out with him. He was equipped to overcome. The driver of this vehicle wanted to take him from what he was doing and go for another ride together. He was tempted (to feed into remnants of that operating system) but stood his ground and said no I’m with her. He pointed to the teacher.

The young man then announced he would be married to the teacher of the ministry of reconciliation. This is a covenant with his heart to always embrace her. They went back into the Mike Bickle family home and the young son went back to work with MB and the teacher began to be a constant and friendly companion of Mike Bickle’s wife who spent time with her in the family kitchen and the two spoke together in thoughtful and peaceful affirmations, as MB’s wife lovingly made a meal. It was in the season in late December. While MB and this young son of the house would also spend much time in the study that you could see from the kitchen. That was his library. The Ambassador of the word of reconciliation was now a part of the family by covenant because the son committed to the message that restored him.

The message is for the world to be reconciled to God through His son Jesus Christ, however if we cannot live it out in our own ranks, how will we show the world the love of God for them, with the backdrop of this generation being the spirit of disobedience working in this present age? 

1 Corinthians Chapter 5:16-21

Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.

To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

My voice to text dream record. 9/30/23.

Deana Barnes Testimony


    Audio Reading with          commentary.


America’s Home Invasion. SOS

They Are God’s Daughters

Rachel The Shepherdess

So online I addressed a forum where a follower launched a horrific attack against women in ministry that teach and preach. Using awful imagery of a bloody woman with horns and half naked. Calling women in ministry Jezebel. From a so-called Christian man. I don’t believe he possibly can be, (you will know them by their fruits.) I think it is also bad timing to post something so degrading to women in light of the terrorist attack on Israel; because as we know, men, women, children, and grandmas, who were taken as hostages are being terribly treated even as I write this article.  Crimes perpetrated by a hostile ideology towards women period. Parading in the streets and on social media the uncovered bodies of women they abused and murdered from this attack, as well as all of the above, fathers, mothers, and children. I believe they are of the same spirit (of this age) that posted on this forum, that the moderators did not take down. Rather they refused my response instead, you will see that response below in screen saved photos.  This is a world where we need to ask ourselves from time to time: “What spirit am I in alignment with?

Romans 16:1-2

Now I introduce and commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deaconess (servant) of the church at Cenchrea,  SERVANT as translated in the KJV is DIAKONOS  G1249   (Strong}




; an attendant, that is, (generally) a waiter (at table or in other menial duties); specifically a Christian TEACHER and PASTOR  (technically a deacon or deaconess):

The spiritual warfare forum has close to 450,000+ followers, they denied my post.


I want to add this final thought, as the world gets darker, the kingdom of God gets brighter. People under the power of a religious political stronghold are in idolatry. An idol worshipper is deaf, dumb, and blind to truth. As religious as they may seem, as devout as they are, ignorance of God’s word marks them. I’ve noticed that even those who are new believers, can be snared by a bloodline curse of churchianity and religiosity. Simply, by following the deaf, dumb, and blind, god of their fathers if they don’t hunger and seek after the pure unadulterated word of God.  While yielding to Holy Spirit teaching ministry, that He sets in their path to establish them in His Word. Pride will always derail us. That’s why living in His presence is absolutely needed to safeguard our hearts. They that humble themselves in the sight of the Lord shall be lifted up. It’s not just studying and studying its a personal and passionate love walk with Him. Many people feel they can’t get there, and that’s true you can’t unless you want to. Seek and ye shall find. Make Him the Living Word, the most important thing in your life. After all He is the WORD made flesh who dwelt among us and He is The Light that keeps us out of darkness. Revelation knowledge emanates from Him, and those in intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ, can’t help but register in the knowledge of His glory.

Habakkuk 2:14

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:18-20

What profit the graven image that the maker of it has in making it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trusts in, to make dumb idols? Woe to him that says to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it. But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.


That Will Split The Vote

Some of you that follow my podcast know that I’ve shared some dreams regarding the 2024 elections. Yesterday’s news has put one of those dreams on the front burner. That is Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s announcement in Pennsylvania on the 9th of October, that he will run as an independent.

I would say about 14 months ago I had a dream about former president Trump running for president, once again, in the 2024 elections. I podcasted that dream and it was published on iHeart Radio, where I shared an announcement (in the dream) that was going to be a game changer for everyone.  Another follow up on that dream I shared how I believed RFK Junior was the mystery man announcing his run for presidency. Because in the original dream  Trump looking shocked after a mystery voice announced his candidacy, Trump looked at me and said, “That will split the vote.”

Now that RFK Junior has announced his run as an independent that dream has officially come to pass. A candidate’s  announcement that shocked Trump, into saying, “That will split the vote.” It’s a historical fact that 3rd party runners split expected votes of the two party system. The dream has a second part to it that deserves looking into. Listen to this podcast below.


Prophetic Word For Hollywood

The Furnace Room. Prophetic Prayer Ministry and Intercession.

We were interceding for California and the entire west coast when the Lord gave me this prophetic word for Hollywood.

In the Furnace Room prayer gathering this morning the Lord gave us a word. “There have been those who have stood long and uncompromising for righteousness sake  in Hollywood. These have kept prayer vigils and have stood in prayer lo these many years, praying for celebrities, and people in that industry, who have sought them out at various times in private. Your hearts have cried out and said when Lord when?  When will we see the travail of our souls for a town and industry that needs a visitation from God? When will the lambs set up for slaughter be set free? I want you to know while many call for a burning, I am calling for an arising. An arising of righteous platforms untouched by this ruiness heap, that has salaciously

swallowed up the souls of men, women, boys,  and girls, and has caused the nations to err. See this great and sudden displacement and transfer of wealth and power of righteous platforms serving a righteous cause, even now arising as a beacon in great darkness? My light will shine upon my Church in her arising in strength and power to testify of me, in a place marked for destruction. You see I am giving  many an opportunity to make it right by loosing the bands of wickedness and fear that has paralyzed so many. A consensus of truth shall come forth like a small cloud rising, and it shall spread and expand and become heavy over the people, and rain down as a gully washer flushing out unholy  and hidden things.  This will embolden those to stand for righteousness sake and truth, and it will be told. Have I not said the refuge for lies will be no more? They call it tinsel town I call it a crater of disparity, I call it a ruiness heap. The riches  of the wicked are laid up for the just and that transfer has already begun, says God.  More will now come out of the darkness and seek to stand in the light of your arising, longing for a righteous cause.   Longing for their lives. Continue to pray, as you have been praying, my Godly servants of righteousness. I have heard your prayers and you have seen in-roads into the hearts of those you have had such great burden for. You will see many running out of the darkness like prisoners set free and that time is very near. The testimonies of their deliverance and healing will cause a flood gate to open and it will be known, among my servants, that I showed great love and mercy in a season where judgment is due. For I Am giving Her space to repent.  Know that in this time even now the deluge of filth has come to the rim and even now has over flowed for all have seen it. The lines are drawn, darkness will reveal its depth of depravity. Soon it is going to be flushed, until the waters run clean again, in the lives of those I have chosen to stand up and be counted among these who love the truth, says God.

-Deana Barnes July 13,2023. The Furnace Room Prayer Gathering. 


Israel, End-times, and Intercessors.

The last 24 hours I’ve been a way from media working on the house fixing a pipe leak. Except for brief moments scrolling through a couple social platforms in the evening. Not once did I see a headline about what has been happening in Israel, until I checked one last time before posting this.  No prayer alert, no heads up from anyone knowing this was happening.

I’m crushed, in my heart for the slaughter, the attack of men women, and children; kidnapped, dragged through the streets, and tortured by Hamas.  Children hearing their siblings and parents being shot while being held against their will. A young boy the age of my grandson crying because his sister had just been killed, being told to be quiet and relax by Hamas terrorists.  Young adults lined up, laid out on the side walks who were dragged off from a dance, now dead with their hands tied behind their backs. Looking like any son or daughter from any town here in the USA.

Meanwhile, I’m oblivious to the fact this all had even occurred, and a quick check on line wasn’t enough to inform me. When are we going to understand the hour we are living in here in America?You see, I make myself look at the images, because the people I’m praying for are having to hold their loved ones in their arms as they grieve for these senseless losses. That’s if they will ever see them again. It’s hard but we cannot turn a blind eye. To them or Christian’s being martyred and persecuted all over the world.

I’m looking for Spirit filled prayer warriors to join us on our prayer calls Thursday mornings, EST. You must understand the art of war in intercession. Have a passion to pray for our country and to be that personal house of prayer for  all nations. In my experience it’s not unusual to be led in prayer to touch on these places about to go through a crises, by the Spirit of God. I’ve seen it happen countless times.

Prayer warriors that have an understanding of travailing prayer. Which simply means we know not how to pray as we ought, but the spirit makes intercession for us in sighs and groans, see it in the Amplified Bible.

In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself [knows our need and at the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words.   Romans 8:26 Amplified 

Remember Elijah in prayer with his knees to his chest, as a woman giving birth? If you understand and have experienced that kind of intense intercession, contact me. Let’s talk prayer.  We are not always moved to prayer in that form but an intercessor should understand the concept.

Contact me at the contact page if you are looking to connect with an on line prayer group.  Go to write a short essay on your experience as an intercessory prayer warrior.

We’ve had Into The Night zoom and conference calls, as well, that we can do in the evening if we can find those willing to commit to prayer. Jesus is Lord of all and King of Kings. We need to get with the program and do what we are here for in the times we are living in now. We are running out of time!

🌍 I was a way from the news and social media for 24 hours and cannot believe, I did not get one text message, prayer alert, or phone call to join in prayer for Israel. When I briefly checked FB and Instagram nothing alerted me to the tragedies that had taken place there, no call to prayer on a social media inundated with Christian memes. My heart is crushed over the apathy in this nation.🌏

Unchartered Streams

Your appointments will generate (out of obedience) one connection at a time. For among you are those seeking the broad and easy path, that will defile the work that is found in the straight and narrow.  I have not immediately disclosed the treasures of my kingdom found where I am leading you, to glean from among you the glitter fly. For men and women are my treasures, and gold is still found in the mouth of the catch of the day, to pay your obligations. The greater glory you desire to see is among fishers of men, not seekers of gold.  I will show you the hidden pools. They are not found in the rush from city to city, but from stream to stream out of the flow of my Spirit, one encounter at a time, says the Lord. Remember Lydia the business woman of purple, the woman at the well asking all the right  questions, and the man widely known who cried among the tombs. One can lead you to many in un chartered waters, where your work will expand off the beaten path, in pure streams not muddied by the trodding  of many feet, in the industry of travels.

And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish. 
John 6:21

About this prophetic word, I saw teams or groups being comprised and the drawing factor was the itinerary. Rather than the call of the Spirit. I saw that a promise for a vaca-mission brought in the interest and the money, but the Lord was saying you need to pick one or the other. I’ll use you in both endeavors but if you want to operate in the apostolic work that I’ve carved out for you, that is not the easy path, you must do this by faith, and I will join you with the champions of faith (the John’s crying in the wilderness), making straight the paths of the Lord. Get off the tour guide itinerary, let me finish my work with you. So you can discern these for-runners and go into deeper waters where more fish of rare form can be found.  I saw a frustration with a party that pulled back from open doors, less desirable, not seeing the obvious before them.

Revisiting and expanding  “The Ancient Path” prophecy.

Good. Right Season. Kingdom Governance.