Leaning Into The Lion

Leaning into the lion’s mane-

As I sat in my chair I closed my eyes and rested my head to the side and I saw a vision in my minds eye of me resting my head on a lion. I am sitting in a beautiful oak forest on a cliff ledge, overlooking a valley surrounded by mountains with a river running thru the middle dividing it. It is autumn. The leaves in oak trees have turned into their autumn colors. Everything is a beautiful golden hue and it is dusk. I look at this majestic lion and he smiles at me with pride. As a father would smile at his child. I look back out over the valley and suddenly I notice I am standing in glorious shining armor. I look and see a sword in my right hand and shield in my left. Suddenly I am aware of my importance. I have been given an assignment. I hear the lion lovingly say in his calm kind voice “Beloved, you are fully equipped.” His low voice is so soft and firm it sounds like a rushing wind. Suddenly an army of soldiers in silver armor appear around me some on horse back and some on foot. They are surrounded by a misty fog. It’s probably early morning. They are all carring spears but I am not. We are marching along a river on a steep embankment. As fast as the soldiers appeared they disappear and I see my two children running around me. Playing and full of laughter. I am not worried about their safety. I am full of joy and purpose. I look ahead and I see the lion waiting for us with those same loving eyes. I look back and the same lion is following close behind us full of patience and loving kindness. I remember the phrase I have been hearing in my head “He goes before us and watches closely‏ behind us” I also hear Isaiah 40:11 “He gently leads those with young.”

– Jessica Young

More Poetic Visions:

The Sojourning Bride 

His Love For Korea North And South

An Epic view of the interceding Church launched out to the nations  5 years ago, and why this word is relevent now.

cropped-image5We walked into our prayer room at 5:55 pm 12/23/11 (eastern time usa.) After being called by the Holy Spirit to come away and pray. At some point in prayer, I saw this magnificent mountain in the click

Source: Prophecy for The Praying Church

The Heavens Declare His Glory


Psalm 19:1-6  NKJV

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat.

 NeWine Pouring

The American War Bride

A prophetic word to the Sojourning BRIDE of CHRIST WHO LIVES in AMERICA. Who is the BRIDE of CHRIST? She is the one who is in love with him. SHE IS THE ONE WHO IS WAITING FOR HIM, making herself ready, day and night; watching. Longing for his return. I saw her walking through the battlefields of AMERICA from days gone by until NOW, and I heard The Lord say, “Come off this battlefield, there is victory for you to glory in, and a new GARMENT FOR YOU to wear.” The BRIDE OF CHRIST who lives in AMERICA, and HER new assignment IN CHRIST.
Shake off your tattered war torn garment. Walk it out renewed and refreshed in me. Take up your tambourine and dance. Your heart will begin her mending. In faith trust and believe that I am the VICTOR and your life is in me, oh revolutionary daughter, early you have sought me, early have you risen, while the dew covered the morning. Late you have stayed up in the night to learn about me, but I say to you my bride, learn of me. Embrace my call to you, to come. Take yourself out of the books and see my present form brooding over my people, with love and longing, for your voice calling: “Come Lord, come to us!” I will come to you my dear bride, fighting the good fight of faith! Wear my shield, wear your armor, personally forged to endure the battle. Wage it renewed, with me. Not apart from me. I am your warrior. I Am with you always my love, I see you hidden in the hills and valleys, unseen unknown. I hear you dove, oh loved, how you have my name! How you bear my promise, how you handle that lovely SWORD, quickly skillfully you unsheath it’s power. I am present in your decrees. As you set yourself apart in me.” Let’s move on now together, let’s ride this Holy Wind, let the tempest whirl beneath your lovely feet. Bearing good tidings upon the mountains. Your toes have my rings your ankles my bells. Gifts, that signal our coming that the children may run to the victor and His bride. We will ride swift upon the wind. We will come to them together. Among the ranks of the beloved gathered from the four corners of the earth.