An Extended Harvest, Prophecy

“Come here and stand in this place, this place that was made for you to occupy, come up hear,” says the Lord, “and occupy this heavenly realm in high places. To be ever closer to me in these the latter days, do I not inhabit the praises of my people? Are you not the temple of my abiding presence? Is it not written: The tabernacle of God is with men? In me is with me”, says the Lord. “Let’s settle this once and for all. I AM the vine, ye ARE the branch, apart from me you can do nothing. This heavenly arrangement blossoms new beginnings in the earth through you. Rise up, come up here and see my world view, through my eyes, even the eyes of the Spirit; comprehend my will for the end time harvest. Shall I lose what I sent my son to gather?  Am I astonished? Am I surprised by outcomes YOU didn’t see coming? Shall I forfeit all that I have gained, in all that I have done? Remember, I am the one who reaps where He has not sown. The earth is mine and the fullness there of, thunder and lightning precede from my throne, one man sows another man waters but I give the increase”, says the Lord. “The harvesters bring in the harvest but the bounty is mine!  I have extended the season-  I am Lord of the harvest, and I preside over its ingathering.”

“Come up here and see my vantage point in these latter-day events taking this world’s stage, should you be astonished at the whirl-wind from no-where that blow up, and then subside just in time for another to touch down all over again? My glory rests upon you, and separates you from the darkness that comes”.

The Lord says, “I have extended the hours, I have lengthened the day of this end time harvest. Two seasons, two crops, two harvest days. Come now the former and latter rains …”


Deana Barnes –

NeWine Pouring Podcasting


Majestic As an Army of Banners



Who is she that APPEARS like the dawn, fair as the MOON, bright as the SUN, majestic as an Army WITH BANNERS? Two years ago we were given a prophetic word that is in its NOW season. An allegory that paints a picture of the BRIDE OF CHRIST gathering refugees out of the rocky clefts of the MOUNTAINS of Turkey. In this pod cast we discuss prophetic scribing, and the call of GOD for his people to come out of the Babylonian institutions of the earth. The prophetic word called JOURNEY at is a must read to get the full message of this podcast. Includes prayer ministry and words of knowledge for the restoration of Joy.   Our key verse are out of JEREMIAH 50, 51.





NeWine Pouring

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Kin Knows Kin

Kin Knows Kin

… When She heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped for joy in Elizabeth’s womb.

Jesus and John were relatives called of the Father and appointed for end time ministry. Christ the Messiah, and John His for-runner, who came in the spirit of Elijah had a date with destiny. The CALLED and appointed of the Father, know kin. If you’re pressing on to the upward call of Christ, kin knows kin. Those who truly belong to the household of God rejoice when they see you coming. Why? Because the Holy Ghost bears witness of Christ, and that quickening gives joy when another (in Christ) comes along. As John did in his mother’s womb. It’s ingrained in our DNA. So the next time you’re snubbed, left out, ignored, talked about, shut out, or left behind … Just remember, those that reverence God walk in His Spirit, and would never desire to grieve the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. This is the fear of The Lord, and they are of a kindred spirit. God says I have not rejected you, but I have chosen you. We are sought out, and not forsaken. Those who make you feel excluded by friending you on their terms only- desire to keep you for themselves, for they are not of those who truly belong, nor do they want to. The spirit they are of wants your energy to serve them. They have made themselves a stranger and by offenses separate, divide, and freeze the wounded out, by use of the cold shoulder. Notice how attitudes change toward you when you key down your joy for the Lord?  It’s like a thermostat in the room. At one point things freeze up if you try to FELLOWSHIP, on the other hand things WARM UP when you keep it LUKE. In the end times, the hearts of many will go cold and harden like wax of a blown out candle, because of offenses in the world. Understanding that kin knows kin, helps us navigate through relationships that are FOR US, and avoid the ones that are against us. God is for us, and so are those who are of His household.

Gal 4:17 in The Message translation: Those heretical teachers go to great lengths to flatter you, but their motives are rotten. They want to shut you out of the free world of God’s grace so that you will always depend on them for approval and direction, making them feel important.

The problem is they ain’t kin. 😉