
Years ago I had a dream that I was standing on a flatbed trailer singing to the four corners of the earth in a park. A park I ended up preaching in for a street gang outreach a few years later. Days after the dream, at a locked coliseum, during a prayer walk the Lord told us to prophecy keys for the door. Turning around, and having no thought to go in, we prophesied keys for the door, thinking it had to do with some future event. Less than a minute later the manager of the building’s maintenance rolled up in a pick-up and asked us if we needed the keys. By faith we said yes, not really understanding what God was doing. He opened the door and let us in to a coliseum that later, Rodney Howard Brown would preach at and the Rocker Marylinn Manson would put on a show, while Christians picketed outside. When we walked inside the event center I noticed right away there was a flat-bed trailer I saw in my dream, a few nights before. We walked up to it, anointed it with prayer, and claimed it for the glory of God. Such an odd encounter that day. We left in awe knowing we fulfilled a mission, ordained of God. Days later, the Lord gave me an astounding conformation again about the flat-bed trailer. It was an article James Wiley published in the Morning Star Journal, that began with the same imagery I had in my dream. A woman standing on a flatbed trailer.

The dream spoke of a generation lost, because the church refused the music that actually was given to us in the first place. We know that music now as Rock and Roll. We will never know the original intent of this music called rock and roll, for in its infancy it was put out of the Church only to be filtered through the world before it found its way back again, tainted by a broken chain of custody. Little did I know at the time of James Wiley’s article that our three children would grow up as worship team members and leaders in the next decade, in three different states. We allowed them access to every anointed sound under heaven. Still, there was always a push back against the music that they naturally evolved in. To the point that worship services were a source of heart ache, the warfare resisting it not understood by those in charge, thinking to “tone it down” was the logical resolve. The music was fine for Christian concerts but, resisted when integrated as worship in the church. Thankfully, I believe that mindset is behind us for the most part, there are still many gathering places where the Body of Christ comes together, where this kind of philosophy rules. The gravity of warfare we were facing during that time was intensified when a music minister, and youth worship leader, both lost their lives, tragically, at the height of their impact in a region known as the cradle of former awakenings.

Still to this day, in that region’s underground music scene there is a string of premature deaths in its wake, mostly do to accidents, sudden illnesses, and drugs. For our children, the music of their youth, like a wave has moved out to sea, to rise again another day. A blockade runner cannot go in the same way twice, right? As these things do, it’s not if but when, for each wave deposits its treasures to line the shores, for that one great wave to carry it all in. The new decade brought more changes and new assignments, our oldest married, plays drums for his church, curiously, his secular music scene is predominately frequented by musicians from Christian homes, playing in secular bands. The youngest took his music behind the walls of obscurity. The music is now his worship between Him and God, and rarely played outside of his own studio. My daughter missing her companions, have moved on with her own life as well, sharing her love to worship with her children. I walk the halls of the house of prayer, and like a glimmer of sunlight a sound breaks through the closed doors, from the back, as if heaven itself is behind them. I dare not even poke my head in, it sounds like a score from an epic movie. Am I hearing the previews of another era? Only God knows.

Two years ago, I had another dream

The Lord came to me as the SON of the Father’s house; a seed sower, husbandman, and harvester. He handed me two shear-cut, slated rocks, to play in a music machine that was in the style of a CD player. These rocks were sharp, jagged, and raw edged, around the outside; but, polished, and beautifully ingrained, on the inside. They looked like deeply embedded marbled streams of water, with white rapid swirls, taking on the appearance of white water rapids, pouring through mossy green embankments.
I looked at the music machine asking the Lord, “Can we play Here Comes the Son?” He kept looking at the slated rocks and said, “I have these, I’ve had them all this time, will you hear them?” I said,”Lord wait, I’ll go tell them you’re here” though He wanted me to stay He relented, and let me go.

I went into a back room where there, apparently, was a sixties slumber party of teenage girls just waking up. I told them who had showed up, wanting us to listen to the music stored on these sliced and polished stone discs. They screamed as if he were the Beatles, and they started to get dressed.

I ran out to spend more time with him again, asking to hear the song, Here Comes the Son. Again, he almost seemed slightly disappointed, he looked at the slated rocks in his hands. I felt moved for him, because he wanted so much to share these songs with me. I remembered the scripture … If these don’t then- the rocks will CRY out.

I went back to hurry the girls, each time they were curling their hair, and primping, I pleaded to them please hurry, just come as you are, he is waiting, he has music He wants to show you, still they kept primping, each time I checked on them they were moving a little slower. Each time I left him alone he would hardly let me go. Finally, they became distracted and was doing other things the last I saw them, I spent the rest of the time left, with HIM.

I was in my t-shirt and sweats, my hair was undone. None of that mattered to him as his eyes never looked away from mine. He looked a little forlorn because of the absence of the others but His joy that I was there never dimmed. HE TOLD me something about a famous song writer I never knew. When I woke up I researched it, and it was true, in the beginning his songs, lesser known, was about Yeshuah. Sadly, his music, rejected by the church so many years ago, did not end where it began in the era of His fame.

What is this from heaven?

What more to be discovered? What sounds, and songs are etched in the stones that are about to cry out? The Lord did not want to sing, “Here Comes The Son” though the melody was catchy, fun and sunny- a good thought for a rainy day, still it shadows in this one truth we cannot miss. In order to worship God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH we need to comprehend Jesus Christ IS Come, and through him and by Him we enter the throne room of GRACE where by we obtain MERCY in times of need. Similarly, worship is not past, nor future, it is BEING, WHOLE HEARTILY, present with HIM in HIS presence. No preparation apart from him will lead you to Him. Grace has made the way, boldly enter in. No new song, comes from with out, rather it comes from with in the presence of God. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The Sower and the Harvester is the SON OF The FATHERS house. Code, who was it that I saw in my dream prophetically representing Christ? 

This people, these generations, who dolled themselves up for hours screaming for their idols- are a people so enthralled with preparations, approaches, and presentation, we missed this one thing. Time spent with Him. We cater to the former so much we miss the latter. Have you heard it said we need to acknowledge the older generation in our music? Play their old tunes to spark them up? Honoring the older generations is commendable, but in this they should be at the helm. I am that older generation, the tail-end of the Jesus movement harvest; and I can tell you if they are not in the inner courts now, they never will be. Simeon and Anna were waiting for the Lord in the temple daily according to Luke 2:35, elderly as they were, they did not want to miss a thing; not only did they greet and meet the generation that brought forth the Messiah, they prophesied and recognized, His arrival. Aged Simeon was led of The Lord to meet Jesus and His parents at the temple. Simeon prophesied over Him, and Anna was the first woman to preach Jesus among those looking for Him. She stayed there at the temple day and night, she was a prophetess over 80 years old.

It is God’s order that the elder generation meet the present day visitation as long as they are standing in their place, with enthusiasm, waiting for what they have been prophetically watching for all these many years. Always looking for Christ in His second coming, and the moves of His Spirit that will usher in His everlasting kingdom. As the scripture says, parents are for the children, not children for the parents. The Church has got to stop pandering to idol worshiping ears, that will never appreciate the sound of heaven but will bog down the assent in the fair way. So much is said about grooming the congregation into the act of worship so that they will not be left behind … Does it occur to anyone that is where they want most to be? Left behind? Shall we not go? Leadership is upset that the foyer fills up, rather than the altar, you compel, and compel, before you have entered in yourself, but few respond.

The dream challenged me- in my determination to bring the “slumber party” to the place where they could hear these songs, I kept leaving the moment to bring others in. Risking what ever it was that God wanted to impart to me would be missed in the perishable moments called a VISITATION. SOMEONE, must receive from the Lord, or none ever will. The airlines tell us, “Put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then reach for those that cannot do it for themselves.” Why? Because if you don’t secure for yourself first, both will die for lack of oxygen. Christ first always. Cut off the pandering, put on the oxygen mask, get a fresh lung full of GOD BREATH, and then we’ll have what it takes to motivate the late arrivals.

You see, there is always the danger of the former generation’s mindsets delaying the new. For Example, the wilderness generation that had to die off before the new generation could enter into the promise land. Save Caleb, another great elder, of great strength, and faith. So beneficial for the crossing over, how much His stories caused the younger generation to burn in their heart for the promised land. What to gain is Christ, and Christ alone. Let the slumber party sleep, they had their day. Had they stayed awake they never would have missed the INTRO that would have led them to the BRIDGE. Your encounter with the throne shall drench you with the dew of the morning. The thirsty will find it upon you, and seek for more, hold not back, let not the outer court, the FOYER LOVERS, the generations that refuse to budge, (unless their MUSIC IS PREDOMINANT, and their palate satisfied) dictate the MASTER’S IMPARTATIONS upon His WORSHIPPERS that will usher them into the APOSTOLIC rule and reign of CHRIST on this earth. For the nature of what is about to be released in the earth as far as the SOUND and the SONG will be unto Satan the stench of a death dirge, to his rule and reign.

Those found worthy will wait upon Christ, if they miss it the ROCKs still will declare it, and another generation of lost WORSHIPPERS will become pawns of a sound and melody that incites idol worship, for by its very nature music sways the masses into singleness of mind that is manipulated to SERVE SOMEBODY, should the Church fail to receive it. Here Comes The Sons …

How Satan so desires to have music born of heaven for it shall surely become the theme song to a new world order, if He can get His hands on it, and twist the gift of God for his own purposes, as he has in generations past. After all, Lucifer knows the power and influence of music. So then, let the sleepers lie. Move forward to your AWAKENING, the sound and the new song is creation in her groanings, singing harmony with the throne of God, in this shall your generations come from out of their GRAVES. Does not this present generation love to act out the NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD? IS NOT THE ZOMBIE NATION this generation’s walking dead? Is the earth itself not groaning horrors? Shall not the stars fall down from the sky? What kind of music will come out of heaven and declare this generation? Even define its high call? Will not a Holy Tempest stir up from with in, and join the fountain heads and rivers from the corporate priesthood, and Holy Race? THE LIVING WATERS, Rushing down over the evergreen embankments, where all that is living breathes? The STONES are cut and polished smooth, what is this sound of heaven, that Christ is so enthralled about giving us? This one who came to me as the SON of the Fathers House who is the author and finisher of our faith.

As music interprets a generation, as it somehow relates to them, as they are conduits that carry heaven’s composition, so it is worth contending for, waiting on heaven to receive, until it comes. The worshippers go first, they head up the processions of victory, it is from the HEARING realm we shall first be alerted before the great day. For as it is written: With the voice of an arch angle and the trump of God … So let us have ears to hear, the sounds that come from Heaven. For out of it will come the fire of God that burns the incense of our worship, releasing the aroma, even the fragrances that mingle with His glory, come from His throne.

2 Corinthians 2:16 (AMP) For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the latter it is an aroma [wafted] from death to death [a fatal odor, the smell of doom]; to the former it is an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. And who is qualified (fit and sufficient) for these things? [Who is able for such a ministry? We?]

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